Videos with answers (Torture and mentions of suicide)

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Over the next few weeks, members from the team would come and visit but they had to return back to Florida. They had agreed that it was best for George to return back to Florida for a few days to pack their stuff and then return to dream. During that time everyone returns to Florida other than Sapnap and Karl.

During this time Sapnap , Karl and quackity would have a meeting about the club in Florida and they all agreed that they liked dreams plans the best.

One morning Sapnap was still sleeping so Karl snuck away to get them coffee and as he was returning to the dream's hospital room, he overheard a conversation that sounds like they were talking about dream, Karl eavesdropped into their conversation as he messaged Noah and his brother to get there ASAP.

10 minutes later, they arrive and meet up with Karl to hear the conversation.

I'm sorry sir but I can't tell you others information

If the man that the police brought in is here because of begin torture I need to see him

I'm sorry but I can't allow that

you don't understand, if I don't see him or someone that is with him, he's going to get killed

Sir if you don't leave, I'll have to call security

I can't leave...this is important

Noah's brother (police officer) flash's his badge to the nurse and tells her, he'll handle it

Come with me sir

The man gets annoyed but follows him to an empty room

Is there something I can help you with

I need to know if a 6-foot blonde male was brought here for begin disoriented and torture

Why is it important?

They group that torture him is sick of waiting for him to wake up to hopefully relay their message, they are planning to kill him, they believe he's on this floor of this hospital.

And where did you get this information from?

I am part of that group, but I know nothing about it other than this information that was sent to me to move into safe keeping because I handle technology information.

I have copies of the paperwork and I have videos downloaded in this flash drive from when he was there, but I haven't seen them.

Do you know when they are planning to do it?

No, but it's sometime this week between 2 and 3 AM. There finally meeting about it is tomorrow night so I would assume it's the following day

What group is it?


The mafia group from Nevada?

The guy nods

Why are you helping us?

We didn't want him...we wanted her, and they don't know what pit they dug themselves into

Within seconds the guys were gone, and the officers were leaving to find Karl.

Karl sees the officer enter the room with papers, a flash drive and the CEO of the hospital

What's going on? (Sapnap)

The officer explains everything, and the CEO tells them that she put in a transfer for tomorrow morning to have him moved to a private facility and that dr. Puffy will be taking over his care.

Once she leaves the room, they discuss everything and call George to fill him in on everything, but George doesn't answer so Sapnap continues to call.

Hello, Sapnap, it's bad, is it a dream, okay?

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