Welcome everyone to club.... (Mention of weapons, drugs, nightmares and trauma)

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Good afternoon you two, I made your comfort food to help you get settled in, but I didn't know what kind you wanted so I made a couple different kinds. There is cheese, meat lovers, BBQ chicken, pepperoni and supreme, so take as you please.

George leans near dream to whisper something

The dummy that doesn't know how to introduce himself is bad

I'm sorry I got caught up in dinner

Your fine, thank you bad

Of course, everyone else should be coming for their food soon so you can pick where you want to eat, we didn't want to overwhelm you

Where does everyone usually eat?

Everyone has just moved in, so it varies

Can we eat here?

Of course, wherever you want to sit

Thanks, I wanted to make sure there was room for anyone who wanted to eat with us

Is there anyone in particular you wanted to eat with?


George, Bad, and Dream take their seat at the table and eventually people start coming to the kitchen / dining room to get food. Once everyone got their food some went to different rooms and sapnap, Karl, tommy, tubbo, and ranboo stayed to talk with dream, George and bad. After some time, everyone returns to their room leaving George, bad and dream alone again. George and bad clean up from dinner while dream continues asks to help

(Dream and bad conversation)

Dream you're not helping, rest a little while we clean up

But I want to help, I don't like being useless

Stop it, you just as stubborn as before

Good (half confident because he didn't know how to take it)

(George and dream conversation)

How are you feeling?

In what way?

Anything you want to tell

I'm not in much pain right now

That's good, you should be fine until the afternoon tomorrow so well pick up your medicine tomorrow

Are you tired?

I'm up to whatever you want, if you're tired, we can sleep if not we can watch a movie or something

I'm not sure

Okay that's fine. How are you feeling mentally?

Okay I guess

Anything you want to talk about?

What's your plans tomorrow?

I have an appointment with dr puffy around 2 Ish and I'll get the supplies I need for you then. Bad, Cleo, Emerald and Karl will be here at that time and everyone else will be on a mission so you can explore or do as you please. Anyways we're done so do you have a movie in mind and where did you want to watch it.

Let's go back to our room and look for something

Dream and George return to their room and George helps dream get settled in

Is there a side you prefer George

Um not really, we don't really have side, but I think it would be best if you're on my left side

That's what I was going to say

Once they get the movie started and everything, George shuts the lights off and climbs in bed. After a couple minutes, George looks over at dream because he could feel him staring

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