Regrets or no regrets

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 The follow morning dream wake up to an empty and cold bed



With no response, dream starts searching for him in the kitchen and living room and stops when he hears fainting crying and hyperventilating in the bathroom. Dream lightly knocks on the door

Uhh...I'll be out in a second

Take your time, you're upset I'll be in the kitchen making breakfast if you need me.

Dream goes to the kitchen and start making breakfast and as he was finishing up, he feels arms wrap around him and heavy breathing coming from body behind him

Breakfast is ready, are you hungry

George nods so dream turns around in George's arms, kissing his forehead. He wipes the tears from George's eyes and leads him outside to eat on the balcony. Once George starts to calm down and begin eating.


I'm fine

Fine because you don't want to talk about it or fine because you're actually fine

I'm okay, I promise just stressed and overwhelmed

Dream moves to kneel in front of George and George shakes his head no but bursts into tears. Dream pulls George into a hug which causes him to cry harder

It's okay darling, it'll be okay

I'm sorry

Don't be sorry, can you tell me what's stressing and overwhelming you

George starts rambling too fast for dream to understand.

Woah, calm down. I don't understand you, take a deep breathe

George takes a deep breath and dream tries to comfort him

One thing at a time, what's going on

I've caused so many problems

Problems like what

I've dragged you and Cleo into all this, you've gotten hurt so many times

George we're alive, I'm okay, Cleo is fine, you saved emeralds life you didn't cause problems.

You wouldn't be here without me

No, I wouldn't, I wouldn't have found the love of my life, I wouldn't have found a loving family like I have now. I would be in Asher's group most likely hurting you

George doesn't respond so dream redirects his attention to him

Why's this bothering you

I'm not sure, I just feel like I ruin everything

Well, you don't. When did this start

I was in the bathroom washing my hands and my mind just start going crazy.... I guess I'm just worried about meeting my biological family and ever know it just always been..difficult begin back here

That's understandable but I highly doubt a little baby did anything to be put up for adoption

Yeah...i guess

Anything else bothering you?

Do you like really love me

More than anything in the world

George nods and dream leads him inside to the closet

We got a lot planned for today

I'm excited

Nefarious (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now