Flames and explosions (ambush warning)

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Hey.. Dream it's time to wake up. Dream to wake up...

Good morning, George

Good morning, dream

How are you feeling

I'm good how are you feeling

I'm with you so how can I be feeling anything but good

Your in pain aren't you

... a little I guess

Here, Sapnap brought these in for you a little while ago (hand him some medicine and water)

I'm going to talk to Sapnap right quick

Okay I'm going to get changed

When dream reaches the living room, he finds sapanp and Karl kissing to the point they didn't notice him. He walks up to them and knocks on the table to get their attention. They both look at him embarrassed

Don't worry no one came to kill George or me

Like we would care anyways (jokingly rolling his eyes and Karl hits him on the shoulder)

Don't say that Sapnap. What's wrong dream

Nothing just wondering what all Dr. puffy wanted me to do with my infection and such

Oh clean the cuts and burns at night and put new gauze on it in the morning and take the medicine at both times

Is that everything

Yeah other than icing the bruise on your face

Okay would one of you mind changing the gauze (before anyone could speak George spoke from dream)

I'll do it where's everything at

George that's not a good ideas

Yeah, I can do it George

No Karl I want to do it


Don't George me if I can't handle it then you can take over, but I want to do it

Dream walks up to George and gives him a look like are you sure I don't think its a good idea

Stop all of you (George grabs dreams hand and drags him to the room)

Take your shirt off I'll be back with everything I need

George leaves the room and Dream takes his shirt off and sits on his bed. After a couple minutes there was a light knock at

Hey dream...um techno is here. Can him and I come in

Yeah. (as soon as they walk in dream immediately asked techno questions

What happened? Did they find us? Who got hurt?

woah ... calm down I'm just coming to check on you


Can I see your injuries?

Sure yeah George was about to change the gauze

Why not Karl or Sapnap?

I insisted

Um okay do you want to leave the room so I can see his injuries and talk to him

I'm going to stay until I change the gauze and everything then I'll leave okay?


After George puts antibiotics on his infected area he takes a picture to send to Dr Puffy , puts new gauze on them and leaves the room so they can talk. Dream explains to techno about everything that he remembers and knows. Techno tells him that he should come back to base because his tracker was shut off and because Tommy was asking about him. Dream calls for George and they agree to go back to the base after they get something to eat and techno tells George that when he's ready that he wants to talk to him about what happened. George gives a little smile and says about talking when they get back to the base. Techno then leaves and dreams, George, Sapnap and Karl go to get something to eat.

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