Morning walks

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5:30 AM rolls around and dream is awoken by someone quietly call his name

Dream...please wake up...

George lightly shakes dream awake

Hmm...what time is it? (Dream waking up not knowing it's George)

Dream soon realizes that it was heavy breathing George. Dream quickly sits up concerned

Hey. What's wrong

Nightmare...I think...out of breathe

Okay...I'll get you cold water sit down

Once George's breathing slows down a little and he drinks some water dream sits down next to him

Is there something I can do you want to go back to bed or

Well...never mind you can go back to bed I'm sorry for waking you

It's no problem, tell me what you was thinking

I could use some fresh air

Okay let's go for a walk was sleeping

And I'm awake now so let's go

Isn't Sapnap going to be mad

No, I'll have a weapon and I'll leave him a note

Are you sure

Yes, George we'll be fine. Go get shoes on

Dream leaves a note for Sapnap, grabs two bottles of water and his wallet with the keycard.

So...want to talk about your dream

It was nothing...just a stupid zombie dream

Dream chuckles and shakes his head


It's just funny, you have horrible nightmares about zombies but you are trained to kill people for a living

Hmm...I guess that is funny and ridiculous

Don't worry I'll protect you

I can protect myself

I know

After some time of silent walking, dream glances at George who looked like he was in deep thought

Hey..what are you thinking about


George... you was lost in thought, are you sure its nothing

Somethings been bothering me you want to talk about it?

Hmm I guess...what are we?

What do you mean?

Like we act and talk like we're dating but I don't think we ever actually made it official because every time it got ruined.

So, what exactly bothers you about it?

I don't know to be honest

Do you want to be something?

I feel like we already are it just never became "official"

Dream nods in understanding and then notices a donut shop and pulls George into the shop. After a few minutes he looks over to George.

How about a dozen of mixed donut holes and hot chocolate and maybe on our way back will get donuts for sapnap, Karl and us?

That sounds good

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