Hunter Exam: Ch. 9

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After some time has gone, Leorio attempts to persuade Kurapika to execute Majitani, but Kurapika is too stubborn. Killua volunteered to kill Majitani for him, but that was futile. Leorio attempted something different next: a majority vote to allow Majitani to live or die, but it didn't work because only the examiner could cast a majority ruling.

"So you're really not gonna fight him?" Leorio asks for the 10th time, still in disbelief that Kurapika is so adamant about not fighting. But still, he asks in the hope his friend will change his mind.

"Yes," Kurapika said coldly, "the struggle is done, period. I saw it in his eyes, he has lost the will to fight and lost. It was evident from his that he was not going to fight any further."

"What are you talking about?! Are you sure you're going to wait this out?! It would take a while for him to regain consciousness. Judging from the major blow he suffered, it would probably be hours. So we're just going to wait around for hours, decreasing their sentences in the meantime?"

"So what?!" Kurapika said, almost yelling. Leorio and the rest were taken aback by his sudden outburst, he quickly calms down and regains speaking. "I've made my decision, Leorio. Whether you like it or not, I won't continue fighting a loser."

"Don't give me that crap, Kurapika," Leorio grumbled angrily. "What if time is valuable? We'll need it for the other stage. Hell, if the overseer sets the objective for the inmates to buy time, then there's a likelihood that the timer in our stopwatch could be used for something. And who knows, maybe we'll even use time as currency for the upcoming stages!" Leorio said to Kurapika. Surprisingly making a very good point about the timer

"That's... A valid point by Leorio," Y/N said.

"Fine, you actually have a good point about that. But how would we know for sure if time is valuable?"

"We don't. So why the hell are you risking it sitting there like an idiot. *Sigh* Better safe than sorry," Leorio said, a bit beat after arguing with Kurapika.

"Whatever. I'm still not going to fight a loser," Kurapika said harshly.

"Whatever! I don't even care anymore!" Leorio bellowed as he leisurely walked to the very back to sit down.

"*Tsk* This isn't going to get us anywhere," Y/N mumbled, resolving to take action. Kurapika's situation is clearly not going to alter. Y/N had an idea in mind.

"Hey, the female inmate with that annoying voice! Go check on your ally, he might be dead," Y/N said in a cold and commanding voice. It surprised Y/N's friends as they did not expect Y/N to be so commanding and slightly startled the female inmate.

"Hmm, no thanks," she sneered.

Y/N did not respond. Instead, teleporting to the main platform, the female inmate was startled by the spectacle and sprang to her feet, hurrying towards the catwalk and to the main platform. She hurried her steps and got to Majitani first, worried that Y/N would do something to sneakily kill Majitani.

"What's the rush?" Y/N said snarkily. " I thought you wouldn't check on him?"

"I change my mind. You were probably gonna do something to kill him" she said, as the cuffs around her dispersed. She touched Majitani's chest to see his pulse. Then laid her hand next to the Majitani's open naval, still breathing.

She also discreetly put a paper next to him, and Majitani saw as she put it back in her pockets.

"Good, she fell for it.— Hey, warden!" Y/N shouted, making sure it was heard loud and clear. The alive inmate and Y/N friends also heard, they turn their gaze at the platform to see what Y/N is up to.

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