how to get good pictures at cons

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its that time of year again :)


i have a new suggest for y'all this year.

idc if you're doing undertale. idc if you're doing fnaf. idc if you're, idk, fursuiting. IN FACT. I WILL TAKE A PICTURE WITH Y'ALL IF ANY OF YOU ARE DOING THE FIRST ONE OR THE LAST ONE.

not fnaf cos i was never in that fandom so it doesnt mean much to me

but PLEASE. please please please.

on the topic of photos, please be clear on who you want to take a picture with. it's hard (especially for me because i have bad hearing and cons are LOUD AF) for people to know exactly what you want to do if you just walk up and hold out a camera. especially since i don't listen to stuff like that.

i may not have that problem this year since i'm not going to be anyone from anything popular besides fran bow, but other than that i'm just gonna be koichi and my ocs briz and aspen.

just please, when you see someone you want to get a picture with/of, go up and tap their shoulder and when you're sure they're listening, say as clear as you can (i get it if you're shy, i am too), "hey, can i get a picture of/with you?" and most of the time, they'll say yes. in my experience, they always say yes, but idk how people are outside of tulsa. 

and i'm only saying this now because my favorite con i've ever been too (the only one i've ever been to rlly, besides comiccon because it's right in my backyard (not rlly but its in the town i live in)) is coming up. so if y'all wanna go then you should. it's a really fun con (what con isn't) and it's TULSA, y'all! bill hader's HOMETOWN!!! GO GO GO!!

and not all of us are hillbillies, contrary to popular belief.

i dont even say y'all irl.

but if you can't go that's fine. go and enjoy another con that's closer to home. have fun. 

so do your best and get some good pictures out there, guys!

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