Chapter 4: I love you

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I woke up in a unfamiliar room. I was laying on my stomach so I turn over. I felt someone beside me. I look over to see Levi laying there sleeping. "Where am I?" I said looking around. I think back and finally remember what happen yesterday. I put my hand on my head. Damn my head hurts. "Eren." I heard a sleepy voice next to me. I look over to see Levi sitting up as he looks down at me. 

I yawn while sitting up and scratching my head. Levi put his hand to my forehead. "Your fever has gone down now." He said. I can see the corner of his mouth smile but goes back to his normal face. I look around the room. "You hungry?" he ask as I nod. "Okay lets go downstairs." I follow him out of his room to downstairs into the kitchen. "What do you want?" He ask looking over to me. "I don't really care."

I sat at the bar counter. "Eren, are you going to see your father today?" I froze up but shrugged. "Eren, you have to see him, he is probable worried." I turn my head. "Yeah right like he gives a fuck about me." I mumble "What was that?" Levi said looking at me. "Oh nothing." "I can go with you if you want." I never though of it like that. "Sure, I will go only if you come." I said getting up from the chair and coming up to him.

Time pass ~~~

I got change into the clothes I was wearing for mostly two months that Levi had wash. "Eren ready to go?" he called. I was really nervous, I kept wondering if he was going to hit me in front of Levi or not. I walk down the stairs and met him at the door. I nod slowly. I walk outside the out and we walk to my house in silence. Once we got there I started to shake. "Eren it is going to be okay." I nod as we walk up to the door.

I opened the door. "Father, I'm home and I brought a friend." I yelled through out the house. My my father came out of the living room and walked up to me. "Eren, where have you been?" He was worried. But I know he is lying because I have a friend over. "I was staying over at Levi's." Levi nods with agreement. "Well thank you for taking care of my son while he was gone." My father said shaking Levi hand.

"No problem, It's nice meeting you." Levi said with a smile. "Eren, why don't you show Levi your room?" I nod as I make Levi go first. I was walking past my father when he hit me in the stomach. I held in the yelping. Levi turn back as I stare at him. 

We walk up the stairs into my bedroom. "Eren your room is so messy." It was clean, father must have came in here. "Well, what can I do." I said sitting on my messy bed. "See, I told you your father would worry." He come sit next to me as I lay back. "Yeah he so worried." I said sarcastically. He hit me in the stomach where my father hit me. I flinch at the stink. "Oh sorry I forgot about the cuts." "It's okay, you did not mean to."

"B-" Levi was cut off by my father calling me. "Stay here." I said nervously as he nods. I walk down the stairs shaking knowing he is going to hit me. I walk into the living room. "Y-yes father." My father stands up and comes over to me. "You bastard" He said and punch me in the stomach once again this time hard making me fall on my knees. "You left without saying a word, and you went over to someone's house to run away, and I bet that is a lie, it is isn't it?" I nod slowly as my father kicks me to the wall.

Levi Pov 

I hear a thud down stairs, I was wondering what was happening and wondering if they needed help. I walk downstairs and walk to the living room door a poke my head in to see if anything is wrong. I saw Eren on the floor holding his stomach as his father is in front of him. I listen to what was happening and watch. "You worse less piece of shit, I wish you weren't born, your mother would probably want you but I don't." Eren's father kicked him in the stomach. 

My eyes wide. Is this the reason Eren was afraid of coming home? Is this why he comes to school late? Is this why he has scars and bruises all over his body? A lot of things are going through my mind right now as I see Eren getting beaten by his father. "I wish you died in that car crash you had with your grandmother, I wish you died instead of her, it was your fault any ways." Eren eyes went wide and I could see tears from here.

Say I Love You: What's Life? Eren X Levi ~ Attack on TitanWhere stories live. Discover now