Chapter 14: The Voice Message.

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I am just going to warn you that I haven't over read this and edit so there might be a lot of mistakes and bad grammar.


I open my eyes, my head hurting like crazy like the rest of my body, my arms were tied behind my back.. I breathe heavily like getting hit in the stomach with a soccer ball. I try moving around but my body hurts too much to even move, let alone breathe. I don't know how long I have been down here but I know it has been more than a week.

I look around the gray ugly walls that I have been put in by my father. Yes, my father has kidnapped me and kept me in a basement that I've never seen before. He comes down every other hour just to beat the crap out of me one time he came in with a guy's and raped me, both of them. He only feeds me bread and water, which to me now is a full meal. My clothes were all ripped and dirty. My face was bloody as my body had bruises all over.

I manage to sit up and lean on the wall. I didn't really care anymore. No one is going to come find me anyways. Mostly Levi on what I have said to him about me hating him. I chuckled lightly. I've had my hopes up thinking he would come find me but I knew he wouldn't. I heard the door slam open making me jump and looking at my father who was cracking his knuckles. I close my eyes as he walks over to me and start to beat the shit out of me. I held in my tears and pain. He would only punch me more if I did...

It has been an hour since he started, he finally finish throwing a water bottle and bread on the ground. I wait until he leaves to eat. I almost puked up the food. I open the water bottle with my teeth and took a drink from the water as I feel the liquid going down my throat and a few drops go down my neck. This repeated every other hour but the only difference is that I only eat one once a day sometimes if I am lucky he will bring it twice.

***Fourth Week****

I started to remember the times I was in a good mood and they all link to three people. Dawn, my mother and Levi. I lay back down as I feel tears going down my cheeks. I just wanted to get out of here, I want to see Levi again and hug him like always and not have any problems. I bury my face in the small pillow I have.

I wipe my face quickly as I hear loud stomping footsteps coming down the stairs. My dad started to beat me again. He grabbed me by the hair and started punching me in the stomach, this happen for the hour then he dropped me making me hit my back on the cement. During that time I manage to get his phone. I lay there for a few minutes just incase he comes back.

I turned it on and not surprise he didn't have a password on his phone. He never let anyone touch it. I started pressing buttons with my nose going to phone. I put in a number that I know off by heart. My heart sinks when it goes to voicemail. "L-Levi, p-please help."

*Levi Pro*

I tapped my foot on the floor as class goes on. My phone went off with a unknown number so I didn't answer it. I always hate when that happens. It has been a month since Eren has disappeared and it is making me worry. Dawn, Hanji and I go looking all over town for him. We even went to the forest near the end of town.

Hanji comes over mostly every night making sure I am okay. I have kicked Petra out of the house, because if it wasn't for her Eren wouldn't have disappeared. She is why all of this happen and I told her that I was in love with Eren and knowing her big mouth it went all around the now making everyone know that I love Eren, but I didn't care all I want right now is to make sure Eren is safe.

The same number has called me once again over the passed hour. I ignored it. This time they left a voice message. I put my phone in my pocket and wait for class to finish, which took forever. I grabbed my books and walk to my locker where Hanji and Dawn were standing waiting for me. "Where are we going to look today?" I ask. "Hanji and I are going to go look for him as you get some rest. You've hardly had any sleep." Dawn said leaning on the lockers.

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