Chapter 13: It's a Great Day... Never mind

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I woke up with Levi's arm still around me and his chin on my head. I back my head up and look up at him with a small smile. He looks different when he is sleeping. I never really notice because I normally fall asleep first and wake up last but he snores a little. Not one of those loud snores. It's just one of those where it's light and calm.

I smile and kiss his lips quickly then I wrapped my arms around him. Even though he has hard abs he is comfy. It was kind of getting hot having two warm bodies together like this. I unwrap my arms and did my best to turn around with out waking him up. I rub my eyes as the sun light beams into the room from the window. I tired my best to remove his arms. I heard a small groan come from his mouth and a shuffle. I turn my head back to see him facing the other way.

I lay down on the cold side of the bed. I was about to go back to sleep when my phone vibrated. I grabbing from the night stand and unlock it to see Dawn has message me. I click on the message and read.

Dawn: Hey are you awake?

Me: Yeah, why?

Dawn: I was just wondering. Why don't you come over for awhile before we leave for school. You can see the fam again :)

Me: Yea sure, I will be there is a few just text me the address.

Dawn texted me the address and I get out of the comfy bed. I go over to the closet and grab a pair of black rips jeans, then I went to the dresser and grabbed a black shirt with white strips. "Where you going?" A deep voice behind me making me jump. I turn around to see Levi leaning on his one elbow. "I'm just going over to Dawn to see her family again than I am heading to school with her." I said walking up to him. He nods. "Don't be late." He said getting out of the bed.

"I won't." I go to the mirror beside the bathroom door and fix my hair with my fingers. I then go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I walk to to see Levi already dress. "Well I'm going, see you later." I said. "Bye." He said. I leave the room and go downstairs to the front door. I put my black combat boots on not even tying it. I put on a jacket and head out to Dawn's house. I go up the steps of the two red brick story house. I put my hand on the door nod and walk in, not even bother to knock. "Hello?" I yell through the house.

I started to hear tiny footsteps running upstairs. Then I seen a 6 year old boy standing at the top of the stairs with the most happiest face I have ever seen a kid before. He had blond hair and blue eyes. "Is that really you Eren?" He said. I smile. "Yeah it is Colin, come give me a hug. I missed you." I said opening my arms. Colin runs down the stairs as fast as he can and jumps in my arms. "I missed you!" He yells I chuckle. "Same here buddy."

"Where is everyone else?" I ask. "In the kitchen, I will show you." Colin jumps out of my arm and grabs my hand and pulls me to the kitchen where I see Dawn and her parents. Laura and Jack. "Hey Eren, it's been awhile." Laura said coming up and hug me. "Hey mom." I said hugging her. I call Dawn's parents my mom and dad. It's the same with Dawn. "Hey dad." I said as Jack stands up and hugs me. "Hey kiddo, how are you?" He ask.

"Great. How are you?" He smiles. "Not bad myself. Wanna join us for breakfast than I can drop you three of at your schools." I smile and sit down as they know my answer. "Dawn told me about your dad." Jack said making me look at him. "To bad, he was such a nice guy." I nod. "Where is he now?" Laura asked. "I am not sure, I haven't spoken to him since I left." I said.

"Well I am just glad your safe, your mother would like that." I smile at her. "Yeah, she calls asking how I am." Laura giggles. "That's sounds like your mother all right. Always caring about others." I chuckle. "Yeah." Laura puts down a plate of her homemade famous pancakes with homemade maple syrup. I just dug right in. "Hungry Eren?" Dawn laughs. "No, I just miss mother's cooking." I smile with a mouthful. "At least someone likes my cooking." Laura said smiling at me. "I love your cooking, well sometimes when you don't burn the food." Dawn said making me chuckle.

Say I Love You: What's Life? Eren X Levi ~ Attack on TitanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang