Chapter 17: The Next Step In Our Lives

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Thank you guys for putting up with my slow updates. This chapter I ain't going to lie, I don't know what I was writing. I just put what was on top of my head without thinking.

*Levi Prov*

I wake up to the sun coming through the white curtains. I yawn sitting up and looking over at Eren who was sleeping soundly on his stomach facing the wall with one hand under the pillow. I smile at how adorable he is. I lean over and kissed his head as he lets out a small sound.

I get out of bed and went to have a shower. After my shower I changed into a black v-neck shirt with black jeans. I head downstairs after cleaning up after my mess. I decided to make pancakes. I cooked up four. Two for me and two for when Eren wakes up. I still don't like it for him to be alone when he is injured, but I'm going because he wants me to. I'm going to text him every other hour just to make sure everything okay.

I make my tea and sat down at the table and start eating. While eating I was thinking about how this house is really big. My parents and sister are hardly here but when they come back they only stay for a little while. With Eren and I in the house it pretty big. Maybe I should get my own apartment. I can take Eren with me.

Nothing is going to change anyway, we practically live together alone with each now. Well only when my family is not here and that is pretty much every month and they only stay for a week. I don't get why they got a big house if they aren't going to stay here and pay a lot of money for the rent.

Well that it then, I'll ask my mother and father for permission first. Their most likely going to say yes. Plus knowing my mother she will even beg to pay for the rent. My mother works a a photographer and she has a lot of money from it. She takes really great photos.

My dad has his own Pastry company, and when I say company he has more the 5 shops. Most of them are in France, one of them is in Canada, Korea, Japan and Hawaii. He mostly travels there with Mikasa and my mother. I on the other hand don't really like travelling. I will go with them time to time but not every time, it just not my thing.

I finish eating and put my dishes in the sink and clean them and place them on the dish rack to dry. I wrote a note for Eren saying there is pancakes for him in the fridge. I grabbed my phone and bag and head out for school. It was November and the wind was getting colder as each day past.

I walked onto the school property to be greeted my Hanji and Dawn. "Hey Levi, how is Eren?" Dawn ask putting her hands in her sleeve to block the cold. "He is doing fine, I am just making him rest more before he comes to school or leave the house." Dawn pats my head. "Good boyfriend." I rolled my eyes and moved her hand away.

We started heading towards the door. "I'm thinking of moving out of the house with Eren." I said cutting of Hanji's and Dawn's conversation. "When?" Hanji asked. "Soon maybe, I just think that it would be good if Eren and I move out of the house. It's kind of big for the two of us since my parents are mostly gone." Hanji squeals. "I'm helping you move." I rolled my eyes. "Fine Shitty Glasses."

She jumps up and down. I walked into the school and head towards my locker. On my way there I see Perta's glaring and me with Erwin's arm around her shoulder. After the little accident with Petra and I when I told her to get out of the house and that she ruined everything, she told everyone that I was gay and that Eren and I was dating. It didn't bother me so I didn't care if I got looks.

Not even a week later she started dating Erwin. I walk past them continuing to my locker. I grabbed my binder and head to first period. I text Eren to see if he was up. About 15 minutes later I got a message. I grabbed my phone and look at the message from Eren.

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