Chapter 8: A Joke Right?

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I walk into the kitchen that belongs to Levi's house. It has been 2 weeks from when I got here. I have not talk to my father yet and I am glad about it too. I get a glass of orange juice and walk into the living room.

I was alone today. Levi went out with his friends and his family went out on another trip somewhere. This time for a whole week. I turn the t.v on and skip though the channels nothing was good on but I tried to find something to watch.

I manged to find a random show to watch called. 'Bar Rescue' it was not a bad show to watch. I finish my drink and put it in the dishwasher. I wanted to smoke really bad but I promise Levi that I would stop.

I am doing great so far. I did have one or two every other day but Levi caught me and took it away from me. I sit back on the leather couch and lay face down bored out of my mind. No was able to hang out.

That was the first time I wanted to hang out with someone. It felt weird wanting to hang out with other people. I was to busy thinking about what to do and who to call that I passed out on the couch.

Levi Pov

I was leaving Erwin's house from hanging out with Petra and Hanji. We plan on to hang out all day but then Petra got a call from her mother or father saying that they need her home for something so then we all started to leave.

I was on my way home. "I think I should go shopping, Eren and I need food for the week." I said thinking out loud. I had the money on me just in case Eren goes out and buy some more smokes. He is doing well, I though he would put up a fight. From what I see from other smokers it is really hard they fight and yell all the time.

I walk into the store and got some food for the week. I made sure that I got stuff that he likes. Eren does not complain on what he gets. I wonder if her really likes the things he eats or he just being nice about it.

I put that though in the back of my head not worrying about it and I go to the cash register. I paid for the food and head back to the house. "Eren I home." I yelled. It feels like were husband and wife when I am coming back from work or something.

I did not get an answer back so I though he was upstairs or something. I didn't yell that loud. I put the bags of food on the counter and put them away. I took my jacket off and hung it up on that back of the chair at the kitchen table.

I walk up to the stairs in the hallway and into my bedroom that I am sharing with Eren right now. He was not in here I looked in the bathroom same there.

I wonder where he is? I walk back downstairs and looked into the living room. Eren was laying on his stomach on the couch sleeping. I go to the lazy boy chair and grabbed the blanket that was on the back of it and put it on him so he does not get a cold. "I wonder if you where waiting for me to come home?" I sat on the ground facing him. Our faces a couple of cm away.

Eren always look happy when he is sleeping. He seems more happy. I always wonder if he has a nice dreams. I moved my hand through his hair slowly. It soft and smooth. I sat there for a couple of minutes and then got up. I walk to the bathroom down the hallway and took a shower. The warm water going down my back feels so good.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I went upstairs to changes and dry my hair. I look around my room and it is messy. I covered my mouth with a white bandanna and start to clean from top to bottom.

I finish clean about an hour making sure I cleaned everything. I took off the bandanna and through it in the laundry basket. I walk downstairs. Eren was still sleeping but this time he was sleeping on his side. I go into the kitchen and make dinner. We were not having nothing special just Mac and cheese. It did not take long to finish cooking.

I walk into the living room and up to Eren. I shake him. He groaned. "Eren it's dinner come on before your food gets cold." I said shaking him some more. "Hm..." Eren groan and rolled over a little. His eyes open slowly. I put my hand on his head. "It is dinner." He nods slowly still tired. I stand up and went into the kitchen and put the food in a bowl.

I place them on the table and Eren came in still tired. he rubbed his eyes like a 5 year old kid. I smile as he sat down. I kiss the top of his head and sat down next to him and start to eat. It was quiet the only noise you can hear is the ticking of the clock and the clank noise of the spoons hitting the bowls.

I finish eating and my phone went off. I walk to get it it and looked at the call ID. 'Petra' I sigh and answer it. "Hello?" I said into the phone. "LEVI!!!." She yells in the other side of the phone. "What do you want?" I sat at the table as Eren is still eating at his third bowl of 'Mac and Cheese.

"Can we come over when I mean by we I mean Erwin, Hanji and I." People know that Eren is living at my house now because of his "family problems" "Yeah sure, but do not make a mess." I said before hanging up.

Eren looks up at me with his cheeks full of food. I smile. "Petra, Erwin, and Hanji are coming over." He nods as he goes back to eating.

Eren Pov

I finish eating and went into the bedroom. Levi's friends were over which I am not a big fan of. But I do not want him to stop hanging out with them. I am just not a big fan of them.

I laid down on the bed. I was on my stomach watching a movie. I watch this movie more then 5 times already. It was a good movie but it is starting to get old. I want to go downstairs to get another one but I am scared to face one of them. It is a good thing Levi has a bathroom in his room so when I have to go I can without bumping into one of them.

I roll over so now I am laying on my back with my arms spreading out. I feel like a star. But my star is the dimmest of them all. I am started to get thirsty and my monsters are downstairs in the fridge. I sat up and head out of the room.

I go downstairs and into the kitchen. "Well, Levi we got to go see you at school." I heard Petra at the door. I grab my monster can and walk into the living room. I can still hear them. The front door was in the little hallway that connected to the kitchen and the living room. But there is a another way in.

Levi probable thinks I am still upstairs so when he closes the door I am going to scared him. "Hey Levi." Erwin said. Levi looks up at him. "How long is that Eren kid staying? It has been 2 week." Levi scratched the back of his neck. "I am not sure."

"Do you like having him here?" He asked. Levi smirked. "God no." He stated with a serous face. I froze What... "I wish he was not here at all, I hope he leaves soon." I didn't know what to do but stand there almost start to cry. "That's good, he can go die if all I care." I can feel a tear going down my cheek.

"You got that right." Levi said boldly.

"Well bye Levi. See you at school." Petra said walked off with the other two. Levi close the door and walked into the living room. His face went into shock mode when he saw me standing there frozen.

This is a a joke right?



Thank you for reading, hope you have an awesome day

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