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After one month of Jimin trying to learn how to fully control Mari's body, he now feels confident enough for her to dance in front of an audience.

"Remember what I taught you," he says in a soft voice as Mari stands in front of him. "Just relax and let me do all the work. You just have to let me take control. Fighting against me never works for you, isn't that right?"

"That's right," she says in a whisper, looking down at her trembling hands. "I know what to do, Jimin."

"Good girl," he says, smiling. He reaches out and straightens her skirt for her as she fights back tears. She wants to scream and run away, but he's learned how to control her so well now that he doesn't even need to use his hand. He can just look at her and she becomes putty in his hands.

Mari and Jimin hear Mari's name being announced and before she realizes it, she's walking towards the stage.

She unwillingly walks onto the stage as Jimin controls her every movement, and once the music begins, her body begins to move against her will.

She almost fights against him, but she knows that will only end in punishment.

She relaxes her mind and her body as she feels Jimin pulling her invisible strings, sensing his eyes locked onto hers from her left side, just beyond the audience's view.

As the dancer moves across the stage, the audience watches with collective breaths held.

She moves so fluidly, much like a flower swaying in the breeze, that the thousands of people whose eyes are locked on her moving body are watching in awe at how much grace and poise one human being can possess.

"She is so dedicated to the dance," one of the audience members says. "Look, she's even moved to tears from the pure, raw emotion of this."

"She is truly one of a kind," another one responds as their eyes follow each twist and turn of the girl in the black dress on the stage.

If only they knew those weren't tears dedicated to the emotion of the song.

Those are tears of agony - tears of a girl screaming for help.

But no noise comes past her lips; nothing ever comes out.

Not when he is controlling her every move.

When he is around, she is nothing more than a marionette.

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