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Jimin forces the doctor to turn around and walk back towards the two of them while simultaneously keeping Mari's mouth closed so she can't scream for help.

"I'm much smarter than you think I am, puppet," he taunts as he walks the doctor towards him.

"Phone please," Jimin says, a smile plastered on his face as he holds out his palm expectantly.

After the doctor's phone is in his hand, Dr. Lee is forced to walk to the bathroom.

"Lock yourself inside. If you say a single word or make a sound, I will snap your neck by snapping my fingers," Jimin explains, and without hesitation, Dr. Lee does as he is told.

"Now," Jimin says, turning his full attention to Mari. "What should I do with you?"

Mari whimpers as tears fall from her eyes, her mouth still being forced shut by Jimin's control on her.

"I should kill you," he says, eyes darkening. "I broke my favorite puppet and now I can't play with you anymore. I should be punished. I should throw my toy away because I'm so naughty and careless."

Mari shakes her head, desperation clear in her eyes as they wildly search the room for a way out.

"You really were my favorite," Jimin says, slowly wheeling himself to be right next to Mari. "A real treasure."

A knock sounds on Mari's hospital room door and she screams as loudly as she can through her sealed lips. Jimin sends her a harsh look before the door opens and Taehyung steps in.

"Finally," Jimin scoffs. "Let me take care of her real quick while you take care of the witness I have in the bathroom."

"No," Taehyung says, shaking his head. "Jimin, just let them go. Leave with me and we'll go somewhere else and start over, okay?"

"I can't just let them go," Jimin says, frowning. "You know that. We've been through this countless times. What's so different this time?"

"Jimin, this is messed up. You're messed up," Taehyung snaps, taking a few steps towards Jimin and Mari.

Mari's hands are shaking as she holds onto her bedsheets, staring between Jimin and Taehyung as they glare at each other.

"She'll tell someone about me," Jimin says in an exasperated tone as if he's explained this to him before. "I'll get caught and go to prison for what I've done. We can't leave any witnesses alive. You know that we have to kill them both."

"I said no," Taehyung says, slowly walking backwards towards the door. "You can't control me. You think I'm dumb enough to let you have a lock of my hair after seeing what you have done? I'm calling the police, Jimin. I won't let you hurt anyone else."

Taehyung turns to Mari and smiles softly at her. "I'll get you away from him. I swear it. I'm so sorry... for everything."

"That's your decision then?" Jimin asks, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees.

Taehyung ignores him, turning around to walk towards the door as he pulls his phone out.

Jimin slowly nods as tears fill his eyes. "So be it."

In a second that seems to last a lifetime in Mari's eyes, Jimin's hand comes up, trembling as he snaps his fingers and Taehyung's head jerks to the side.

He falls to the ground in a heap, his phone clattering away from his lifeless hand.

"He really thought I didn't have a backup plan in case he betrayed me," Jimin says through his sobbing as his eyes stay locked on his friend. "How foolish of him."

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