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"That was so exciting!" Jimin says as he chains Mari back up to her usual corner. "It was like watching a real life piece of art come to life under my own hands. Seeing you dance with those spotlights on you was magical, truly. You are such a beautiful work of art. Do you know that?"

Mari says nothing as she stares at the chains on her body. She tried so hard to scream for help through her silent tears. Nobody understood.

Nobody saw her cry for help.

"Do you know what people are saying about you online?" Jimin gushes. "You're becoming an overnight sensation! We're going to be legends, you and me."

Again, she stays silent.

"You did so well, Mari," he says quietly as he pulls a key out of his pocket. "And for that, I want to reward you. This isn't an arrangement that you get nothing out of. When you do good, you get rewarded. So, I'll let you have your chains off for a while. Just remember what I'll do if you try to run, okay?"

Mari's ears perk up and she looks at Jimin with wide eyes.

"Don't run, please," he says, looking down at his shoes. "I need you."

"I-I won't run," Mari says, the gears in her head turning as she begins to form a plan.

This plan will take time, yes, but she is going to try. She just needs to get him to trust her. And then she can get away.

"Okay," Jimin says as he unlocks her chains.

Mari rubs her wrists and ankles, which are bruised from being chained up for almost a month straight. The only time she isn't chained is when she is dancing for him.

Jimin sighs as he watches her. "I'm glad I'm good with makeup. The audience wouldn't have taken too well to see such a beautiful girl with bruises."

"Thank you, Jimin," she forces herself to say. "Thank you for taking the chains off for a bit. It feels nice."

Jimin smiles and rubs the back of his neck. "Even puppets should get a bit of time away from their strings, right?"

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