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Mari's body twirls around on stage, every muscle in her body moving so precisely as the audience watches with captivated stares.

Her mind is elsewhere; she's learned to just shut herself down as he takes control. It's easier that way.

It's easier for her to remove herself from the situation in her mind; her body is there on the stage but her mind is cuddled up on her couch in her childhood home as she hears her family's laughter echo in her ears.

She misses them. She misses her life and her loved ones but she knows that isn't her life anymore.

Puppets don't get to have a life of their own.

Sweat is dripping down Mari's forehead as Jimin controls her movements, but he won't allow her to stop until he is satisfied.

He's becoming an expert on moving her body with little to no effort on his part. He just glances at her from time to time to keep the control in his fingers; otherwise, he is watching the audience, awe written across his features as the people watching his puppet sit on the edge of their seats.

She can see him from her peripheral vision as she dances across the stage; he seems beyond pleased with what he's doing. He seems proud of himself.

When the dance finally comes to an end, Jimin holds his control on Mari's body so she doesn't collapse on stage from exhaustion.

He forces her to curtsy to the audience, who is on their feet for his puppet.

After moving her feet one in front of the other to get her backstage, Jimin finally relinquishes his control and Mari slumps down at his feet, panting heavily as she wipes the sweat from her face with her hand.

"You need better endurance skills," Jimin scolds, his eyes locked onto her exhausted form in front of him. "How do you expect to be able to do this for bigger audiences? Do you expect to dance for ten minutes and then be done when there are hundreds of thousands of people wanting to see you dance for hours?"

"I'm only human," Mari says quietly, still trying to catch her breath. "You can't push me this far and expect anything different."

"The last time I checked," Jimin says through gritted teeth as he grips her chin in his hand, "you are a puppet. You do as I say. You do as my strings command of you. Now get up."

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