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"You look so beautiful wearing chains," Jimin says quietly to himself as he locks the last chain around her. "Like a good little puppet."

Mari stays silent, trying not to look physically repulsed.

"Taehyung is coming over for some drinks in a moment," Jimin says as he wheels himself towards the basement door. "Since you danced so well tonight, I may send him down here with some food. I know you've taken a liking to him and all."

"He's nice to me," she says quietly and Jimin smiles at her.

"I'm glad you've found a friend in someone. I'm sure you get lonely."

Mari tries to hide her confusion on her face, and it must work because Jimin leaves without another word.

She is always confused and somewhat uncomfortable when Jimin says or does something nice for her.

It's such a change from the man who starved her for three days because she said she preferred Taehyung's company.

Mari sighs and tries to adjust herself on her mattress to get comfortable, but freezes in her place when she hears a strange sound.

She turns her head to where the noise came from and she sees the chains have started to detach themselves from the anchor holding them to the wall.

Mari gasps and rushes over to the weakening spot, grabbing the chains so she can pull it as hard as she can.

She feels that they will come out of the wall if she tries hard enough, so after a quick glance at the basement door, she begins to pull some more.

Tears are streaming down her cheeks at the thought of escaping. She is so close; just a few more forceful tugs and she can run out of here.

Jimin decided to stop putting ankle chains on her after apologizing for starving her; she thinks it was some twisted gift he'd given her so she would continue to cooperate.

Mari pulls and pulls, feeling like her arms are going to break. She doesn't give up; she can't give up.

After one final pull, the chains break free from the wall and Mari falls backwards onto the cold concrete floor.

Mari laughs and nearly shouts in excitement but realizes that the chain being pulled from the wall so forcefully must have made a loud noise, so she knows she has to leave now before Jimin comes to investigate.

She takes off running, her bare feet hitting against the concrete as her chains drag behind her, but as soon as she reaches the door, it swings open.

Mari freezes, staring up into Taehyung's eyes, silently pleading for him to move out of the way so she can escape.

Taehyung stares at her for a moment, a conflicted look on his face.

Mari holds her breath in anticipation, fighting back a smile as she watches her friend, so thankful that it is him at the door and not Jimin.

"I'm so sorry," Taehyung whispers before he walks forward and shuts the door behind him.

"Jimin!" He yells as loudly as he can. "Jimin, come quick! Mari's trying to escape!"

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