it's her

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I couldn't believe it when I heard the Orlovs lost granddaughter was found, When Nickolais told me that Dimitri who was playing Volto found her,I could not wait to meet her, but the academy was our complication with that.

I for one didn't care for the academy itself as they took my baby brother away from me,sure our father made him do things against his will and he truly needed to get out of here before he lost himself,for that I will be thankful for the academy getting him out,but as the older brother I had to stay to defeat father and take his place. I know my way around women,I'm not innocent,the thing that changed when I took over the bratva was the way the women were treated and I managed to stop the human trafficking ways of what we did. I knew the Orlovs we're doing the human trafficking but,when I looked into it,they would pull those who needed the help and send them to a better way of life. No one new that when they were accused of it. But as soon as they found their granddaughter,they were changing there ways,they went and helped them to better their life if that was their choice.

When Dimitri told everyone if the way she was treated,I was ready to barge in there myself to take her back to her rightful home,but Adrik said to let things take their course and we only intervene when we need to. So when those academy boys were able to remove her from her home life we were grateful,though I think my brother and his chosen brothers could have done it quicker. Atleast she was out. But those boys, who said they loved her and would never leave her,made promises that they never kept. And that's how she ended up here in Russia.

From the description we were told, she was hurting badly,to the point she was shutting down. It's like she was on autopilot,lucky Dimitri was able to arrange it that no matter where she went,she wouldn't have a problem. And it was surprising how her feet led her to board the plane in Charleston and head to Russia,like something was telling her this is where she needed to be. And we couldn't be happier to have her home here with us.

When Nickolais brought her home to the castle, the moment I set eyes on her I knew I needed to have her like we need air to breath,she was gorgeous, unlike any woman I've ever had,she was the breath of fresh air and I wanted what Adrik and Nikita had, and I think Sang aka Anna will be that for me. But I need to let her get to know me,to trust me, before I can make a romantic move. I can only hope that in the end,she will chose me. But for now,I can only help her heal and help her better herself.


When the grandparents finally let go I finally introduced the real me, told them my name is Sangrida Sorenson,but I've been going by the name Sang.

They looked at each other and grinned. They told me it was my choice but they could let me change my name to help me move forward. At first I didn't understand, but when they told me that because I was their blood, I could use their last name Orlov and with tears in my eyes,with out much thought, I agreed to change me name,

So now I will be known as Sangrida Orlov, eldest granddaughter to Nikita and Adrik Orlov. The future of Russia will rest on my shoulders someday should I so choose.

I had informed them in our talk that I officially didn't exist in the eyes of any government that daddy dearest never had my birth recorded. They said that is okay and it would probably be safer for me anyways. Needless to say they didn't care and if I chose to register they would back me I'm my decisions.

I thanked them and they had invited me to come live with them. This is my home. This is where I belong. And now it's time to write those academy letters and get them delivered to those that matter.


When he asked me who she was,I could tell he was interested in her,honestly I feel it would be the perfect match and then when the two families combined could we really watch over Russia after all we we are the two strongest families in the country. If those two should hit off they would be unstoppable in whatever they do. But I can only hope that Sang will over come all this with her new family and her heart will heal as well as her mind. Now to see what's going on with those boys back in Charleston.

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