Frost [Dust/Horror/Killer] {Request}

991 50 20

This was requested by @0LDW3B

I have not written these boys before but it was fun! I hope you all enjoy :)

There r some hcs featured in this story!! That being their heights, which I will now list :)

Horror - 6'8" or 207 cm
Killer - 5'8" or 174 cm
Dust - 5'6" or 170 cm


Light filtered through the curtains, god it was bright.

Killer shut his eyes tighter, cringing internally. It was never this bright in the morning, even in the summer. He rolled over, pressing his face into Horror's arm, how the guy slept square on his back was a mystery.

He didn't want to deal with the bright light, even if it was just getting up, walking a few feet, and shutting the curtains. It was fucking freezing, and he just really didn't want to get up.

Killer was about to drift off when he heard shifting on the opposite side of Horror. He exhaled deeply, good, Dust was going to take care of it.


Dust was never particularly helpful, like, ever. Dust crossed in front of the bed that they shared, and Killer opened his eye a crack to get a peek at him.

Dust was wearing his ratty, patched jacket, as usual. The guy never took it off, Killer had to be moral support when Horror had enough and decided to wash it. It was just that, and a pair of boxers. Typical Dust.

Dust staggered over to the window and stared out at the forest below for a solid ten seconds. Killer rolled his eyes, fucking weirdo. He snuggled back into Horror, nibbling on Horror's arm simply because he could.

The attempt to drift off was thwarted, AGAIN, by Dust's, dear god, finger squeaking on the window, followed by unhinged giggles. To be fair though, Dust was always unhinged, but his weirdo laugh was something else.

Killer breathed out. It was cute though, everything that could've been a red flag was adorable. And even if Dust was the biggest red flag to exist, hey, Killer liked red. It was chill.

Killer sighed, throwing the comforter off of himself and onto Horror, who was still fast asleep. He sauntered over to Dust, hands shoved into his sweatpants pockets.

Dust was crouched down, cackling softly to himself. Killer placed his chin on Dust's head, watching what Dust was doing.

Dust's pointer finger went in a circle, then in another circle right beside it, and then made an elongated u connecting the two. Killer snorted, kneeing Dust in his back gently.

"I cannot believe that you are drawing dicks in the window frost."

Dust blew a raspberry, "It's the first frost I've seen since Snowdin! Excuse me for having a little fun."

"I'm not making fun of you Dusty," Killer murmured, shifting to the side, crouching next to Dust, "I'm just, teasing you a little."

Dust scoffed but snickered as Killer proceeded to draw a dick next to Dust's dick on the window. Above them, Killer drew a heart and then kissed Dust on his cheek.

"Should we ask Horror if he wants to draw dicks with us?"

"Nah, he's fast asleep right now, wouldn't want to wake hIM UP-!"

Killer was cut off as Horror lifted him with one hand, Horror's arm slipped between his armpits. Dust was also hoisted into the air by his jacket hoodie.

Killer glanced at Horror's face, who had, clearly, just woke up. Horror sighed, affectionately, but sighed nonetheless. Horror turned around, gently tossing his two date mates on the bed before crawling into it after them.

Dust and Killer were both squished into Horror, his big arms holding them close and tight. Killer shifted until he was comfortable, christ, Horror was so warm and cuddleable and Killer could probably spend the rest of his life snuggled up in Horror's arms.

He stretched his neck upwards to get a fleeting glance at Dust. Dust was facing away from Killer, arms wrapped around Horror's one. Horror exhaled, squeezing them both for a moment.

"It is too early for whatever the two of ya' were doin'." Horror murmured, eyes closed.

"Honestly...JEEZ Dust! Why would you get up THIS early???"

"Dust grunted and then very promptly flipped Killer off. Horror pressed a kiss to Dust's head, and then to Killer's.

"The frost will be there in the mornin', I promise." Horror said, humming a short tune afterward.

Killer smiled as he closed his eyes, god these idiots. He loved them, and that was enough. And he was enough too.




759 Words

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