Suture [Nightmare x Terror] {Requested}

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I normally write purplemare and tealmare as the same guy, but when they're separated, purplemare is Nightmare, and tealmare is Terror.

this is like, a superhero AU? and he and Dream are NOT related.

they ARE human.

CW/TW - Descriptions of wound, wound being sewed up/sutured, blood, general blood & medical stuff


"Oh my god!" Nightmare shouts, slamming the door on Terror's face and locking it. He storms into his bedroom, slipping his tattered dress shirt and tossing it half-hazardly into the trash can by his desk. "The last thing I need right now is your shoving your unwanted nose in my business!"

The knob to the door jiggled as Terror attempted to get in, speaking to him through the door. Nightmare couldn't hear him, and he didn't want to. He walked through his large bedroom, gripping onto his side as he opened the door to his private bathroom.

Much like everything else in the mansion, the bathroom had a dark, monochromatic color palette to it. It was modern, unlike some areas of the mansion that still had its gothic Victorian style.

Blood dripped down from his body, his hand not doing much to care for the wound on his side. He staggered up to the mirror, and cringing as he looked at himself. His eye was black and his nose had some blood slowly dripping out of it.

He yanked out a towel and put it on the floor in front of him, letting the blood drip somewhere. As blood drips from his wounds, he leans against the black and white counter, his mind going fuzzy.

"Shit..." He grunts, pulling out the medkit and setting it on the counter. The wound that Dream, that sexy idiot of a hero, gave him was deep on his side. He swore that he could still feel the angelic magic burning at his skin.

The arrow had cut through his skin and muscle and the more he looked at it, the more he had to admit that it would have to be sutured.

Going to the hospital was out of the question, especially with his reputation as a villain. His eyes glanced toward the closed bathroom window, Terror was always an option but...he shook his head. He didn't want to be near the bastard right now, not after the absolutely humiliating battle he was just forced through.

The last thing he needed was Terror berating the shit out of him!

The medkit has a suturing kit on the inside, and he pulled it out, investigating his wound as he did so. He cringed looking at it, before swallowing hard.

The faucet gave him cold water when he turned it on, and he seethed as he poured water into the wound, watered-down blood dripping down his side and into his dress pants. He'd have to throw them out after tonight, which sucked because they were so comfortable!

After the wound was sufficiently cleaned, and the blood had begun to slow as his own body began to patch itself up. It wouldn't be enough, of course, but he appreciated the effort.

Nightmare slipped on some black, latex gloves and began the suturing process. He shoved a washcloth into his mouth before beginning, not wanting to hear his own cries of pain. His hands shake as, slowly, he grabs the needle driver, and sets it up properly.

The driver clamps down onto the needle with a small click! He pulls out all of the thread from the kit, setting it onto the bathroom counter. He swallows hard. He doesn't want to do this. He really doesn't want to do this!

The needle is stabbed into one end of his wound, a muffled grunt coming out of him as he pushes it through to the other end.

Shit! This hurt like hell!

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