Christmas Sweaters [Star Squad Poly]

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"Guuuuys! Get up! Get up! Get uuuup!"

Ink, a grown man, began to jump up and down on the bed, where his two lovers laid in previous peaceful slumber.

Blue and Dream shifted as Ink landed on them, staring down into their eyes.


"....Nnnggh...." Dream grunted as he sat up in bed.

"Did Santa come?" Blue asked, eyes closed still, laying down.

"YES. Which is why boomer over here needs to get uuUUuuUuUuuUuP!"

"Ink. You're like 23. Calm your shits." Dream mumbled, sitting back down.

"It's doesn't matter how old I am! Christmas is the BEST holiday!"

"He's not wrong, boomer." Blue smirked as he sat up, got out of bed, and stretched, popping his back.

"I'm not a boomer..." Dream said sitting up again, throwing the covers off of him.

"Yes you are." Blue and Ink stated at the same time. Smirking to each other.

Dream sighed, following his two husbands downstairs and into the living room. The living room had a large Christmas tree in the corner, decorated with loads of colorful Christmas lights and ornaments.

Underneath the tree was loads of presents, decorated in different kinds of wrapping paper.

"Santa was awfully nice this year..." Dream mumbled as he walked to the couch.

"I know..." Ink started, turning to Blue.

"'Santa' loves me~" He mumbled as he pulled Blue closer kissing him deeply.

"You know Ink, I'm not sure if you even believe in Santa. You're crazy."

"That's why you love me Blue, for my eccentric love." Ink cooed, giving Blue a quick peck on the check.

"But I don't actually believe. I just want to act like a kid again." Ink chuckled, leaning back against the couch.

"You never were a kid though Ink." Dream said, sitting down next to Ink.

"Exactly! I never had a childhood, so now I get to!"

Ink slid off the couch and grabbed a present from underneath the tree. He turned around, handing Dream the gift.

On the top of the gift was "To Dream, From Ink and Blue" written in rainbow lettering. Dream smiled, it was probably a piece of clothing, how thoughtful.

Dream ripped into the gift, his smile immediately faltering. He looked down at the ugly sweater in his hands.

It was a light yellow, with sewn in lights all around it. And with sliver fluffy text spelt out, "ok boomer".

Dream looked at his lovers, at Ink, then Blue, then Ink, then back at Blue.

"I hate you both." Dream stated blankly.

"Aw Dream." Blue laughed pecking his lover on the cheek.

"It's not funny." Dream said, crossing his arms.

"Yes it is!" Blue laughed, throwing his arms around him.

"C-come on Dream, put it on!" Ink pestered holding back laughter, poking him.

Dream glared coldly as he slipped on the yellow sweater.

Unable to hold it in any more, Blue and Ink started laughing harder than they ever had. Just seeing Dream glowering with 'ok boomer' on a sweater was to much for the two men to handle.

After what seemed a decade of laughing, Ink and Blue turned to Dream, who hadn't moved a muscle.

"Ahaha, you know that we love you, right Dream?" Blue snickered.

"Yeah yeah...whatever." Dream rolled his eyes as he kissed the top of his lovers heads.


Could this have been longer?


Did I feel like making it longer?


So yeah. Christmas is one of my favorite holidays, doesn't matter if it's June or December, I'll make Christmas themed things.

I love poly relationships, and this is one of my favorites.

I hoped you liked it lmao


609 words

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