Laughter [Error x Cross] {Requested}

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ok yall listen up

ive seen the "error speaks funny" trope before where people replace random letters in his speech to symbols and i wanted to do that too. but im better than everyone else and it will be consistant

i will also have translations for his speech in the comments if you cannot read it ily all

tw/cw - themes of social anxiety, trauma dumping (thanks Cross)

its a tad more platonic than most but thats ok its how they are

+they are humans
++my human cross has a hearing aid it's a personal hc of mine suck my d


Cross was heaving, sweat dripping down his face and heart racing. He felt like he was suffocating, despite his panting he felt no air going in.

He dropped his blazer to the floor, unbuttoning the first two buttons on his dress shirt, allowing himself some more room to breath.

He sat on the floor for a solid minute, listening to the loud music blaring from the other side of the door.

God, he did not want to go back into that stupid party. He didn't want to be there in the first place, but Nightmare made him go. But there were so many people, so much noise, it was all too much.

He could hear Chara's laughter in the back of his head, mocking him. He tried, desperately, to block them out but shit were they persistent.

Laughing at him, mocking him, telling him how much of a shitty person he was, up and leaving like that. Telling him how pathetic he was, that he couldn't go to one, measly, party.

Cross tucked his knees into his chest, cradling his head in his hands. Trying anything to get Chara out of his head! He didn't want to go to that stupid party anyways! He's not a bad person for walking out!

Cross flinched, but what if Nightmare catches you? Won't he be pissed off that you abandoned him?

Cross grabbed his head in his hands, squeezing it to release some tension. "Shut up."

Cross's teeth ground as he spoke it, he needed Chara to shut up before he did something stupid.

But aren't you ALWAYS stupid, Criss-Cross-

"Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP!" Cross shouted, cried, almost.

He had a ringing in his ears that was only characterized by the drowning silence. It was quiet. He sighed, leaning against the wall. He rubbed his ears with his fingers, taking out his hearing aid and adjusting it before putting it back into his ear.

He sighed, glancing back at the door to the party. He doubted Nightmare noticed he was gone, he was too busy being charming and flattered to be concerned with him.

He sighed, holding his head in his hands, he should go back, no one would even notice he was missing. But at the same time that idea sounded like the most uncomfortable, horrible idea he had ever come up with.

"Vo1c3s got you down too, huh? Y34h, I g3t 1t."

Cross shrieked, whipping around, facing...Error. Who was just, standing there. With a cup of what Cross assumed was coffee.

"1t's c4ll3d r3d 3y3 coff33. Bl4ck coff33 w1th two shots of 3xpr3sso, 4nd 4 h1nt of hot chocol4t3 b3c4us3 1'm fuck1ng 1ns4n3."

"Is it...good?"

"Error shrugged. "3h."

"Can I have some?"

Error shorted, taking a sip from his mug. "1 don't th1nk you n33d to g3t 4ny mor3 j1tt3ry th4n you 4lr34dy 4r3 Cross."

"Error...are you uh. Alright?"

"1'm do1ng pr3tty f4nt4st1c 4ctu4lly." Error took a sip of his coffee, "Why?"

"It's just...well you're usually angry? It's kinda strange to see you so calm."

"1've h4d my fr34k out for tod4y. Plus my coff33 so I s33 no r34son to be m4d. Wh4t's go1ng on w1th you?"

Cross sighed, "Nightmare's making me go to some dumb party. I left to catch a break and, and I dunno. I don't want to go back." He could feel himself spiraling but he couldn't bring himself to stop. "There's a fuck ton of people in there and sometimes I swear they're all laughing at me, I feel so big and large like I'm taking up more space than I'm supposed to. And frankly I hate parties this big, I hate being around people in general y'know? I don't know how I'm supposed to act and I don't know how to talk to people and maybe that was a result of my terrible, military upbringing but I still don't know how to talk to people despite me having gone through puberty at least seven times, so maybe that's on me to figure out?! But I don't think it's fair for Nightmare to expose me like that, since he's well aware of my anxiety so I think it's on purpose? And-"

Cross froze as he felt a hand-shaped something be placed on his forearm. In a surprising turn of events, it was Error's hand. He was shaking slightly as he touched Cross, despite his fingerless gloves being on. "Shut the fuck up."

Cross inhaled sharply, "S-Sorry."

Error shrugged, taking a deliberate step back, "1t's wh4t3v3r. W4nn4 go, do som3th1ng? G3t your m1nd off of th1s sh1t?"

Cross glanced back at the door, but Error had already grabbed him by his red tie and yanked him through a portal.

Now, of course, Cross was a lot larger than Error, and if Cross was really adamant about staying, then he wouldn't have let Error take him through.

Cross glanced around and saw that he and Error were at a park. It was spring, and it smelt like it had just rained. There was almost no one around. Cross smiled.

"Th3r3. 1sn't th4t be3tt3r?"

Cross nodded.

"4lr1ght. T3ll me som3th1ng Cross."


"You'v3 got 4 lot on your m1nd r1ght now, so l3ts t4k3 your m1nd off of N1ghtm4r3 and h1s stup1d p4rty."

"Erm, well..." Error started walking and Cross followed him. "Nightmare chucked Killer across the gym on Monday."

Error snickered, "How long 4go w4s th4t 4g41n?"

"Three days."

Error hummed, taking a sip of his coffee, "Cont1nu3."

"W-well. Killer was being a little shit, you know how he is, and when Nightmare told him to do something that he didn't want to do, I forget what it was, and Killer uh, chucked a knife at him."

Error spat out his coffee and laughed, "4h4h4h4! Oh sh1t?! You'r3 k1dd1ng."

Cross shook his head, "Nope, Killer chucked a knife at him and Nightmare threw him into a wall."

Error wheezed, laughing. "Th4t's fuck1ng 1ncr3d1bl3!" He wheezed again, taking a sip, "B4st4rds."

Error walked a few paces, "Got 4nymor3 stor13s Chr1s-Cross?"

Error paused, noting Cross wasn't with him anymore, "Cross?"

Cross was flush, and nervous, but a different type of nervous this time.


"You have a wonderful laugh."

Error blushed slightly but also cringed, "Th4nks?"


I hate ending stories I have no clue how to do it but oh well

I actually really like their dynamicccc I need to write about it more

also someone requested this pairing at some point uhhhh so here u are enjoy :)


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