Chapter 1

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Bella's pov

I couldn't believe that Edward left. He was the only one that I thought truly loved me. I should of realized it when he took me to the woods to break up with me. He hates me, even his family. Especially Alice. I should of listened to my best friends Jacob and Seth when they told me him and his family were no good. But I didn't and this is what I get a slap in the face. It doesn't matter anymore because I'm going to pick myself up and move on from it. I wiped my tears as I got off my bed and looked into the mirror. I looked horrible and I lost too much weight. I decided today was going to be the day that I change my appearance and get to the old me. I ran sacked my closet and found nothing but old clothes and shoes. I needed new clothes. I grabbed my cell phone out and called my father." Hey dad can I have some money for shopping and stuff ?"" Sure go in the kitchen draw and take out a credit card with your name on it. I was saving it for when you were older and I guess it's time."I told my father thanks and threw some sweats and a shirt on. I didn't want to go by myself so I called the besties Jake and Seth, to see if they want to come and of course they did. Once I was finished getting dressed there was a knock on the door. I quickly ran downstairs to see who it was. It was Jake and Seth." Hey guys I missed you soo much!" Jake engulfed me in a hug first, then Seth did as well but it felt different almost comfortable. It made me blush a bit and Seth just winked at me and smiled. Jake of course rolled his eyes and told us to let's go. The drive was real silent and I needed to break it. So I plugged my iPhone in and put our favorite song on by Pharrell happy and started singing. They looked at me and started laughing." Hey I wanted to get back the old me, the old us so come one sing along." When they did it felt like old times. I smiled a bit and Seth caught me smiling and grabbed my hand. He gave it a squeeze and I felt a whole bunch of sparks flow through me and I felt warm and safe. It made me feel a feeling I haven't felt in a long time. Love, lust and longing for him. He made me blush again. He saw me blush and took his hand away as if he was satisfied with what he did. I pushed him gently and started giggling and of course Jake got all jealous and asked if we were there yet. I told him yea and parked the car. Once we got out I went straight to the salon. I gave the guys some money for food and told them I'll meet up with them in a lil while. They said fine and left. I went inside and asked the lady for a trim and maybe a new color. She said okay and got started. Once she was finished I could hardly recognize my self. I paid her and told her thank you and left. The next store I went to was forever 21. I bought a couple of tight shirts and some skinny jeans. I then went to another store and bought nice dresses different colors. I bought shoes to match and accessories to go with. I then went to the sneaker store and bought Jordan's and nikes everything new. I thought about my dad and the guys so I bought them some too. I had enough since my dad saved up almost a quarter million for me,so it wasn't really a big deal. For Jake I got him a new tool kit because he likes to fix things, for dad I got him some fishing gear, and for Seth I got him a necklace that says his name and on the back it has a secret inscription in quilette that says I love you forever and always. Once I was finished I headed to meet the boys and of course they were still at the food court. I grabbed a slice of pizza and sat down with them. They where so shocked to see me. " wow Bella your hair looks really good," Jake said." Yea Bella it does even though you're still beautiful no matter what." I blushed at that and he smirked. We finished eating and headed home. " hey guys you want to spend the night at my place Charlie's going fishing with your fathers for the weekend and I don't want to be alone." They said yea and we continued to my place. They helped me with my bags inside and placed them in the living room. " hey Bella what did you do rob a clothing store?" Jake said. I quickly punched him in his arm and rolled my eyes as they giggled." Actually I have some stuff for you guys if you want to take a seat?" They sat down and I handed Jake his gift first. He opened it and a huge grin plastered his face. He jumped up and gave me a bear hug. Next I gave Seth his gift. He opened it slowly and when he saw his gift, he nearly fainted. He took it out of it's case an hung it around his neck. When he looked up at me it felt like everything in the room didn't matter, only him. Seth smiled and Jake looked pissed. Seth got up from where he was sitting and gave me a huge but gentle hug. It felt right. He let me go and told us that he'd be back. Once he left I felt that whole re open again and sighed. Jake just looked upset as I was but he told me it'll be okay and that he'll help me finish in packing. I told him yes and started thinking about Seth again, I just hope he comes back soon..

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