Bellas pov

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I started to come around and I opened my eyes. I decided to sit there for a few before I go back down. I can't beleive all of this is happening to me. I pull myself together and walk down and what I saw shocked my eyes. What was Esme doing here? They must've heard me coming because everyone looked up at me with sad eyes." What going on? Esme what are you doing here?"" Well Bella me and Sam have something really important to tell you and I hope this could change things between us."" Okay what's going on?""Well Bella I'm your real mother and Sam is your real father."" What how is that possible?"" Well a long time ago before I became a vampire me and your father were married living in La push. I was only 17 at the time but it didn't matter because your father imprinted on me. I was the happiest women in the world but I was also a danger magnet just like you. There was a vampire in the area and your father told me to stay clear of the woods but I didn't listen I wanted to help your father be safe, but all I did was cause trouble. I was pregnant with you and the vampire got a whiff of me an began chasing me through the woods. I didn't know how to call Sam so I yelled and screamed hoping he would here me. He did because as soon as the vampire grabbed me your father grabbed the vampire n threw him. Your father was going to phase to kill it,but before he could he disappeared and told us that he'll be back to kill me and my unborn child. I didn't know it was because you were half vampire n witch and wolf. You have a certain gift that can bring piece to the supernatural world, and they don't want that. We weren't sure who that vampire was working for so we wanted to keep you safe. Since Charlie was a close friend to everyone at La Push we thought it best for you to be with a human, no one would ever know. We asked Charlie and he was happy to take you in and promised he would keep the supernatural from you until it was time. Once you were gone we headed back home to pack and go into hiding, but the vampire was there with friends and attacked us, I had got bitten and Sam was injured. It hurt us so much but we had to seperate, the imprint was gone and we didn't want to cause any problems. I'm so sorry Bella." She began to cry and Sam cuddled her close. I ran up to them and hugged them as well, and for that whole time we were all just bonding. We heard a strange noise and turned around, we couldn't believe who it was. It was Edward and he had a strange look on his face. I shook with anger and phased right in front of him, I was ready to hurt him like he hurt me but Esme stopped me. She calmed me down and I phased back. " mom ." I ran up to her and hugged her and before I knew it everything went black....

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