Chapter 11

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Bellas pov

I woke up to the horrible beeping sound of my alarm clock. I immediatly jumped up and took a shower.Todays going to be the best day ever. When I was finished I grabbed my new pink denim jeans and my white tight over bite shirt. It shows my belly which I love so much. I curled my hair and let it hang down to my back. I put my make up on and jewelry. I had a nice golden carrot cross with matching earrings. I grabbed ny book bag and white n pink jordans, and went down stairs to make breakfast really fast. The boys most of heard me because they were wearing the same thing as me but in different colors. Jake had red and black on and Seth had baby blue and white. They looked so sexy." Good morning guys. Are you hungry I made Bacon and eggs?" They said good morning back with kisses to my cheeks and sat down. I made my dads plate first because he was still asleep and I don't want him to go to work hungry. I made every one a plate, then my own. I was feeling extra hungry so I grabbed more, but it didn't seem to satisfy my hunger. I shook it from my mind and ate up or we were going to be late. I grabbed my car keys and told them to hurry up. I opened the door to my new dugati and jumped in. The boys did to and we where off.
20 minutes later....

We pulled up to the school and we immediately had gotten all the attention. Seth and Jake growled but I kissed them to calm them down, and they did. As I was told the " Cullens" were back and their face was shocked ridden. Especially Edward, who got angry for the way my mates were holding on to me. I smirked and rolled my eyes with a death glare. I was so angry that my whole body began to shake. Jake was worried as was Seth. They quickly calmed me down and we continued on to the office to get their schedules. They had all my classes which was perfect since I have my ex Cullen clan in some of them. Today was going to be a long day but it will be worth it.

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