Carlisles pov

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I was in my office doing some paper work when my cell phone rang." Hello?"" It's Esme I need to talk to you and the rest of the family, can you come to Bella's house?"" Sure I'll be there in a few." Once we hung up my mind starts racing. I start to wonder what she wants to talk about, and what's wrong? I sniff around too see if Jasper, Emmet and Rose are still here and call them quietly. I knew they cold here me because they were here in a flash. " what's wrong Carlisle, your emotions are all over the place?" I turned to Jasper and told him that we all have to head to Bella's house. Esme was there and she wanted to talk to us all about something. I knew once I said Bella, Rosalie would show her disgust. I didn't care though because I would drag her there if I had too. Family sticks together no matter what.

10 minutes later......

We soon arrived at Bella's and you can distinctively smell the wolves and the others. I didn't understand what was going on and looked to the others with confusion. They were confused as I was. We knocked on the door and Sam opened it, he nodded his head and told us to come in. I looked around and saw Alice holding Bella's hand, while Jacob and Seth are holding their wastes. But what confused me the most was the way Esme and Sam were standing close together like that. Jasper bought me out of my thoughts when he growled and started to crouch. Rosalie and Emmett was trying to hold him back but almost lost grip when they saw Bella crouch and the most gruesome growl any creature has given. I spoke to discontinue what was going on." Guys what's going on?" Bella stood up from her crouch and began telling us her story and how she became a wolf . I was taken back a bit but I let her continue. Once she was finished she smiled brightly at Alice,Jacob and Seth. Bella must of saw my confusion and told us that they were her mates. I looked to Emmet, Jasper and Rosalie and they smiled a bit, and before I could say anything someone growled. I turned around and saw that it was Edward. I told him to calm down and looked to Esme who half smiled and stood up. " me and Sam have something very important to tell you and I hope you guys can understand why we did what we did." I smiled at her and told her to continue. Once she was done I was shocked, taken back a little, but mostly hurt that she didn't tell us; but mostly me. I half smiled at her and Sam and looked to Rosalie, Jasper, and Emmet. I wanted to know if they had anything they wanted to say to them. Rosalie ran to Esme and hugged her as did the rest, except Edward and me. I was still confused and needed time. Bella then spoke to Jasper," Jasper can we talk alone?" There were growls but Jasper nodded and they walked outside to talk. I looked to Esme with a sad smile, I still needed to think so I kissed her cheek and left the house, but before I did I told Edward to behave and come home when he's ready. I don't want to loose a child because of his temper and with that I was gone. I didn't know where I was going but I just ran until I couldn't run anymore. I didn't know exactly where I was, but I knew I was in a forest. I slumped down and closed my eyes and began to think things over. I just hope everything plays out just fine.

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