Jaspers pov

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I didn't know what to think. I was so confused as to what was going on and what was going to happen between me and Alice now that she had Bella. I mean I love Bella, she's like a sister to me but I don't want to share Alice. When Bella called me outside to talk, I was relieved a bit because I was hoping she could clear things up. I want Alice happy and if being with Bella makes her happy then I can accept it. " Jasper I'm sorry. With me being a wolf I can't help who I imprint on. For some strange reason I now  have 3 imprints. I know you're hurt but don't be, because we can work some kind of deal out. I don't want to take Alice away from you but I can't be away from her either it'll kill me. Maybe if you want, we can make a schedule?" After she was done I looked into her beautiful brown eyes and just melted. Right then I knew what just happened. We imprinted on each other. I found my second mate and she found her fourth imprint. We both gasped and ran into each others arms. I kissed her softly and pulled away." Well I guess we don't have to worry about anything now Bells." She nodded and we held each other's hands and ran back to tell the others. Hopefully they can understand...

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