15. Good News

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Luckily I remembered to set my alarm last night or else I wouldn't have woken up, though I'm certain my thirst would've woke me up anyway. My mouth was dry and I felt miserable. Hangovers from wine are the worst. How could I forget? I grabbed my phone and turned off my alarm and attempted to sit up. The headache got worse as I sat up, and coupled with my hunger at having not ate much last night, I felt nauseous. It's been ages since I've actually been sick.

I grabbed the water on my nightstand and took tiny, frequent sips. My stomach felt okay but I was definitely hungry. However, it didn't help that any thought of food repelled me. I went to find paracetamol and drank more water, sitting up in bed. There's no way I can go to work today. I grabbed my phone and opened up the group chat.

I won't be in today. Not feeling well but I'll do some work when I feel better.

I sent the message early and wasn't sure if they had woken up yet. They will soon but I know Larry's able to roll out of bed and head out the door in 15 minutes which is quite impressive. I leant my head back against the headboard, upset at myself for getting carried away last night. Despite it being Friday today, I had a ton of work to do. There wasn't enough time yesterday to write a report on her dream but I figured I could get started when I feel better as I brought my laptop home. It would be easy to connect to the company's VPN to access my work files. My phone buzzed and I stared at the text message Bondy sent.

No need to do any work. Take care and have a great weekend.

It wasn't until noon that I felt well enough to eat. Since I barely ate anything last night, I had a ton of leftovers so I ate that. It wasn't until I was full that I began to start feeling like myself but there were still lingering effects. Finding motivation to work was difficult as I just wanted to lay in bed all day but I pushed myself to do some work. The last thing I wanted was to forget the dream.

I stayed in my T shirt and joggers and got cozy on the bed, pulling the sheets up to my waist and setting my laptop on my lap. We store dream journal templates in a shared drive so I went to open one up and entered the date the dream occurred. Next, I specified who was the dreamer and who was sitting in on the dream, the duration, and how much anesthesia was administered. Once all that information was entered, I began writing all the details I could remember. Bondy told us it's important to think of the five senses when recalling a dream. Sight and hearing are easily recalled while others aren't as much. Another thing that stays with me are emotions. How did it make me feel?

At the beginning, I didn't feel much. I was getting my bearings trying to understand the situation. I was listening to what she said and studying her body language. It wasn't until she saw me that I started to feel angry and frustrated at her accusations. It was no surprise that our encounter on the stairs was the one I remembered best because of the emotional impact. She called me a pervert which was insulting. Just because I happened to be there when she made that phone call, I'm considered a pervert! Had I known, I would've just walked away. Remembering this only made me upset so I began typing away, channeling my anger into my keyboard. By the time I was finished, I was surprised at the amount I had written. The last thing to do was interpret the meaning of her dream.

I'm sure you've heard of dreams meaning something. For example, you can dream that you're being chased. The meaning of your dream depends on who you're being chased by. If it's a monster, it's likely to be a manifestation of something unpleasant that you're trying to avoid, whether it be financial issues, health concerns, and so on. If you're being chased by someone you know, that's a different story. I was chased by Left Shark in Bondy's dream. Is Left Shark considered a monster? Anyway, Bondy is avoiding something but only he knows from what unless he's willing to share with me.

Florence dreamt she was pregnant. It's actually quite common for women to dream that they're pregnant and it's usually a good thing. A dream like this symbolizes a new beginning or life change. I'm not sure why she reacted so negatively to it but it must've stemmed from her recent pregnancy scare. It's obvious judging from her reaction that she's not ready for a child yet. If I told her the meaning of these dreams, would that change her perspective?

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