40. Would We Have Met?

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Sundays are usually spent catching up on things I neglected on Saturday. Having spent my Saturday afternoon teaching Clara how to parallel park, I wasn't in the mood to do schoolwork after. I showered and went straight to bed with my hair still damp.

Today, I woke up early to get a head start on the day and surprisingly, I slept well. I reckon it's because I masturbated right before bed and the thought embarrassed me. If Clara knew what I'd been up to, she'd be mortified.

I got up and got ready for the day, making my way to the kitchen to put water in the kettle. I rummaged through the fridge to try to find what I wanted for breakfast. Toast and Weetabix didn't sound appetizing; I wanted a more filling breakfast but I was running low on so many things and would have to head to the store after. Luckily there's one only a few blocks away.

There were some eggs and sausage left so I fried them up and toasted a piece of bread. It was quite a filling breakfast and I don't normally eat this much in the morning but I was hungry and needed the energy for the busy day I had today. My plan was to finish my coding homework and to study for my calculus exam later this week. If I have time, I'll phone Clara to see how she's doing. I sent her a quick text and went back to eating.

Morning, love. :) I'll call you later today. Hope you have a great day. Xx

Even though I saw her yesterday, it wasn't enough. I don't use my phone often but I'll make an exception for her. And I wondered what she was up to all the time. Is she sleeping? Perhaps she's out with her mum and dad. I've not felt this way about someone in a long time.

After eating breakfast, I went to my room to change. I pulled my T shirt off and stepped out of my joggers, put jeans on, and pulled them up to my waist. I put my belt through the loops, secured it, and found a clean shirt to put on. I'm running out of clean clothes so I brought my hamper out and tossed in all the socks and clothes I had lying around. It's a pain doing laundry in my building but at least they have a communal laundry area. Once I gathered all my clothes and did a once-over to look for what I missed, I closed the drawstring and brought it out, leaving it near the door for when I leave. I grabbed my wallet, cigarettes, and lighter and went to the door to put my boots on. It wasn't raining outside but the clouds were grey so I wore a jacket, grabbed my bag, and stepped out.

My first stop was the communal laundry room in my building where I dumped all my clothes in and started the wash. I made my way to the store after. On Sundays, the market is busy but I know what I need and never linger longer than I need to. I grabbed a trolley and made my way through the aisles, grabbing what I needed. Most people prefer to go to the store once a week but I go twice a week. The market is close enough that I don't need a car so I try to minimize the amount of carrier bags I bring back.

When I got back, I put away the groceries and went back down to check on my clothes. The cycle had a few minutes left so I stepped out for a quick ciggy and then came back to dry my clothes. Laundry is my least favorite chore but I'm glad I don't have to lug my clothes to a laundromat. I spent the rest of my morning finishing my coding homework and had lunch. I was so focused on getting everything done that I didn't realize Clara got back to me.

You're up early today. ;) Do you want to grab lunch or dinner?

My heart sank because I was full from having just ate but I'm still down for dinner.

I missed your message and just ate but I can do dinner. I'll pick you up at 5:30.

She agreed. The thought of seeing her tonight thrilled me because I was worried I ruined things last night.


When getting ready for dinner, I was at a loss for what to wear. I was still in the clothes I wore to the store but felt like it was too casual for dinner so I changed into a button up instead. My hair was getting long but I wanted to grow it out so I combed it to look presentable. And last but not least, I put cologne on. It was a bit much for dinner but I wanted to make an effort to look good. She'll probably wonder what's gotten into me because I never paid attention to how I looked before.

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