Chapter 1

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"There comes to a point in life where you have to realise who really matters."

"STOP IT BAX!" I screamed as he catapulted another pea towards me, "eat your peas, and don't throw them at me!" I shouted, as I attempted to stab Bax in the arm with my fork.

"Holly, just ignore him and stop violently retaliating!" Mum said as she placed her knife and fork beside her plate in frustration. She was stressed out, you could tell; she seemed much more short-tempered and tired than usual.

I decided to leave it there, for mum's benefit, so I sat quietly and carried on eating the rest of my food... that wasn't already covered in peas.

After everyone had finished, Steve announced that he and mum had big news, and the last time they said that, I found out Mum was to have a baby. Not another one to spoil my family further. It had already fallen to pieces since Dad left, there was no fun, no happy atmosphere, and it was all Steve's fault. I know that this thought was horrible, but I really hoped that Steve would announce that the baby had died in mum's stomach, but it wasn't anywhere near that. "We're going on a family holiday!" Steve said happily.

I groaned in frustration and muttered under my breath, "It's not a family holiday without Dad. You aren't Dad." Steve acted like he hadn't heard, carried on pretending like he loved everyone, but I wasn't fooled.

I sat there staring into mid-air whilst Dolly squealed in excitement. "Yay! Yay! Yay! A family HOLIDAY!"

I tried to think of any excuse that would prevent me from going on this so-called "family trip" and suddenly it occurred to me, "wait Mum, aren't you 9 months pregnant?" I asked.

"Yes" Mum replied, "But I can manage just fine. The hospital is only a 4 minute drive from the place we're staying in, so if anything does happen, then we're ready!" Mum replied.

The anger slowly began to rise in my throat. I would have to go on this trip. I had no say.

"Where are we going and staying?" Bax excitedly asked.

"You'll just have to wait and see!" replied Steve, bright-eyed and smiling. His voice irritated me. He irritated me. The thought of going on a holiday with him was dreadful. He was clearly trying to replace dad, no-one could replace my father, especially not Steve; just the thought of calling Steve "Dad" made me feel sick.

"How long are we staying?" I asked, as a knot began to form inside of my stomach.

"A whole week!" Replied Steve.

A week. The anger stuck in my throat raged out. "NO! I'M NOT COMING ON A STUPID HOLIDAY WITH YOU STEVE! NEVER! YOU'RE NOT EVEN MY DAD! I HATE YOU! GET OUT OF MY LIFE, YOU'VE SPOILT EVEYTHING! YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME AND YOU'RE JUST GOING TO LEAVE US LIKE DAD DID!" I screamed in fury. My Mum held her head in her hands and sighed deeply, before she muttered to herself. Bax sat open-mouthed on his chair. Dolly just stared at me and Ella started to cry. My head darted to where Steve was sitting. I knew my words had hurt him, but I didn't care, in fact I smiled. I had only then realised I was still holding my knife. I probably looked psychotic. I placed the piece of cutlery back onto the table, dabbed my mouth with a napkin, then I simply stood up and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

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