Chapter 20

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"When a girl is in love, you can see it in her smile. When a guy is in love, you can see it in his eyes."

Dean's hands were covered in blood when I rushed to the bathroom to see if he was ok. Steve had his arm around Dean, keeping him steady.

 Holly! I'm taking Dean to the A&E, in case he's done something to his nose. We're leaving now, are you coming?"

 "Yeah!" I said as I put on my shoes and coat.

 "You're explaining everything to me on the way!" Steve said quickly as he rushed to put on his coat and grab some of Dean's stuff.

 * * *

t took Dean hours to be seen, and I wasn’t even allowed in the room with him and Steve when his name finally got called out.

So I sat in the waiting room, with all my thoughts building up in my mind.

 Sometimes I feel as if I’m losing touch of reality. Things are so perfect now. So perfect. Without George, without Allie, without Dad. Everything is perfect! And I'm so lucky that I have Dean, Steve, Mum, Layla, Eliza and all of my siblings. I've been through so much, and at the end of it all, I couldn't have been happier. I guess it's taken me a long time to realise that everything is fine, good in fact, and everything will remain to be. I've learnt so much about myself - I've learnt how to be strong, I've learnt how to love, I've learnt to forgive. But most of all, I've learnt to let go. Let go of George, and Dad, and Dean, and Badger. The cliff changed everything - started so many problems yet in the end, led me to wear I am today - happy.

When I had finally checked my phone, I had 6 missed calls from Allie; but I wasn't in the mood to talk to her, not at this point in time, when I felt almost fulfilled and looking forward to the future. I had Dean, the most kind, trustworthy person I've ever known of; I had Steve, the most forgiving, gentle, brave, comforting man imaginable. I also had Mum, the most tolerant woman to my horrid behaviour, the one who would be there for me through everything, to care and support me without a doubt. And let’s not forget my siblings, my annoying, loud, obnoxious, siblings. They were the people that I had to stay strong and pure for.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of the waiting room door opening then closing, and the sound of heavy footsteps approaching the chair beside me.

 "New girl, you never told me your name." A voice said, making me jolt up straight as he sat down next to me. Christopher.

"Oh, hi." I replied, turning myself towards him. I met his vivid coloured eyes as they stared back into mine.

"Holly" I said with a quick smile, making sure I didn't break the eye contact. His eyes were truly spectacular.

"Well, how'd you end up here then?" He asked.

 "Friend's hurt his nose." I said blushing as I noticed how lame and rather boring I sounded.

Christopher chuckled, his deep dimples clearly visible.

 "How come you're here?" I asked

 "Dad fell over, he's fine, but I think they're checking for a fracture in his shoulder." He blushed, also realising that his excuse was quite poor too!

"My Sister’s name's Holly," He continued, "she's 19 and lives in Vancouver. Real nice place."

 "I hate my name."

 I think it’s rather beautiful!" He said as he put his hands into his pockets and looked down at his feet. "Tell me a story Holly." He continued, looking back up at me again. I noticed the corner of his mouth was slightly lifted, showing a sneaky smirk.

 "Umm, okay, I’m not to good at making up stories on the spot but I’ll try anyway. There was once this guy and he..."

 "No, not a story of some guy who got some girl and lived happily ever after! I want your story. You said you've been through pain, I'm here to challenge your very perception of pain." He said.

 Christopher was a lot more articulate than he seemed - a misunderstood character. And I wanted to tell him my story, the beginning of the beginning, and so I did.

 "Ok Christopher" I said.

"It's Chris Holly. You can call me Chris." He said as he put his hood down, revealing his soft, dark brown hair and gave me his full attention.

 "Well... Chris. My story’s a rather long confusing one, so you'll have to bare with me at times."

"Every good story should have a title; you of all must know that!" Christopher said as he lightly nudged me.

 "I guess I'll call mine... 'The Cliff That Changed Everything'." I replied - considering the incidents that occurred not so very long ago, I thought it an appropriate name. Besides, the cliff really did change everything, and it's led me to where I am right now, with this gorgeous, mysterious, dark haired, vivid eyed, boy, who seemed to have broken every single barrier that I've ever built up for myself. And I smiled at him then, and he smiled back. And he seemed to get me instantaneously. And I realised that he knew I was falling for him. I fall so easily. But I hoped and prayed that this time, Chris would be the one to catch me.

 "So it began on a Sunday, at the dinner table, on the second day of half term..."

"Happiness is a journey, not a destination." - Ben Sweetland

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