Chapter 6

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THESE ARE ALL THE LETTERS THAT HOLLY READS THAT BADGER WROTE, along with a bit of how Holly re-acted after reading them, JUST SO YA KNOW xxLSxx

"Girls are sensitive. They overthink the little things and they care way more than they should, But that's what makes their love so strong."

Dear Daddy,

I've started to lose faith in you. You haven't come back yet. Mother's getting worse and worse, and I need you. I don't think I can cope by myself much longer, she's been talking in her sleep! Talking about you, and angels, and devils, and graves. I don't know what to do! Why haven't you come home? You said that you would always be there for me when I need you most. But you're not. Please, please, please, come home! Mummy needs you. I need you! Don't leave me Daddy! Don't leave me...


Dear Daddy,

I'm sorry that I haven't written to you in a while, I've been quite angry with you. Mummy's on medication again now, she looks a lot better, but all she does is eat and sleep. She doesn't tuck me into bed at night like she used to. At least she's getting better though. Did you pray for her every night like I did? I pray every night like you told me to Daddy. Mummy says I'm soon to be a big boy, so she'll tell me a secret, I wonder what the secret is? Do you know what the secret is Daddy?

From Badger

p.s reply!

Dear Daddy,

I've got some great news! Mummy has recovered! She tucks me in like she used to, kisses me good night, cooks and cleans, she even takes me to school. I missed Mummy, I'm so glad that I have her back! But I don't have you back. Well actually, you won't come back. Do you hate me Daddy? Is that why you don't want to come home? Is that why you don't write back to me?


Dear Daddy,

I was ill today, a very high temperature and a barking cough, that's what Mummy says. Mummy says that she'll tell me the secret in 2 days time. Yay! 2 days time! I wish you were here to witness the secret, so we could be a family again! You have 2 days Daddy! You can make it! Fly down from 'Heaven' and watch us, and stay with us forever! Then we can be happy! Together! I love you Daddy! No-one and nothing can stop us from being together again.

Lots of Love, from your son, Badger

p.s Mummy sends you best wishes.

Dear Daddy.

Mummy told me something today. I'm going off to boarding school, until i'm older, and better educated. Which means I won't get to see you. Daddy! I want to die! I can't bare the fact that I have an opportunity to see you, yet I can't. Please Daddy come today! Come before the secret, come now, right this instance. Daddy, do you think if I jumped off the cliff you'd catch me, or a bird would fly me to Heaven? I'm thinking of doing that, i'll do anything just to see you. I love you Daddy, so please, for my sake, come and stop mummy from sending me away! I beg of you!


Dear Daddy,

I found out the secret. Mummy says I'm now old enough to understand. Heaven, Hell, death, graves, and you. She told me everything. Now I understand why you don't write back, because you never get the letters, and even if you could, you wouldn't be able to read or write one back.

I hate you Daddy. We will never be a happy family. I'm not your Badger. Why did you die? Why did you choose to end your life? Mummy told me what suicide is. I may be young, but I'm thinking of doing it too, just so that I can be with you. I love you daddy. Even though I said I hated you. I've always loved you. But this will be the last letter that I write to you, the last moment that I can think you may come back. I will never forget you, but I do believe you're selfish. Choosing to end your life, is unforgiveable. You did not think of those who loved you, but just of your self. You jumped off that cliff, with foolishness and insanity.

Bye bye Dad, maybe i'll see you soon, in heaven or hell, or even the moon.

Badger, or as I now call myself, Jo.

I placed the last letter back into the box before I harshly slammed the lid down. I felt the pain of Badger's loss, and finding out the truth. He was right about everything, and so intelligent too. Those letters proved to me that even the ones you love, can hide the biggest of secrets.

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