Chapter 16

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"Not all who wander are lost." - J.R.R Tolkien

 I grabbed my bags and stormed out of the car. It was a rainy day back in London and the sky looked like it was about to erupt. Steve hurriedly came over and unlocked the door. We hadn't spoken to each other since the incident two days ago. As soon as the door swept open I stomped to my room in frustration. I dumped my bags on my bed and lay there staring out of the window, wishing that I was back in Scotland.

 As soon as I had calmed down after I had hit Steve back at the hospital, Mum came out to see me. She said that I needed help in controlling my anger. So tomorrow I would be having a session with a group of other kids who threatened to kill their parents. I already knew that that was not going to turn out well.

 Eliza and Layla were coming round later that day, I hadn’t told Steve because I thought it didn't matter what he said because he wasn't dad.

I went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face; it seemed that I had developed a rather large spot on my forehead. I really needed to clean myself up. I applied a thick layer of makeup before I changed into much more flattering clothing. I brushed my hair and cleaned my teeth and soon enough, I was back to the usual Holly; the simple girl, whose family life was in pieces, the one who didn’t like the sand and the rocks and the waves, the girl who doesn’t befriend strangers and doesn’t know her dad’s dead.

 The doorbell rang and I quickly rushed out of my room and downstairs to greet my two best friends.

“Holly!” Layla said as she engulfed me into a gigantic hug.  

 “Are you ok? Dolly? Steve? Everyone? It must be so hard for you. We have so many things to talk about I just honestly don’t know where to start, your mum told us everything!” Eliza said as she pushed past Layla and I and went up to my room.

“You alright Layla?” Steve said as he popped his head round the living room door.

“I’m alright Steve.” Layla replied.

 “If you need a bite just come and ask me, we have biscuits and if you’d like I can make you a tea?”

 “I’m fine thanks.” Layla said as I grabbed her hand and dragged her up the stairs.

 Layla shut the door behind her and joined Eliza on my bed.

 “So, did I miss anything?” I said. 

Layla stared at the picture of my dad.

“I can’t believe he’s dead!” Layla said.

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