Chapter 2

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"Hold On, Pain Ends."

I tried to call George, but he didn't pick up the phone. That had become a habit of his recently. Ever since he had started doing football practice, it seemed like he had no time for me. When we first started dating, we couldn't go a day without phoning each other, everyone would moan on at me about George being a bad influence, but nothing could differ my admiratin for him. But now... it's like he pretends he doesn't know me.

Ever since my 15th birthday party, he had changed for the worse. I thought that maybe he might have beeen going through a hard time at home, or changes in his life that he didn't want me to know or find out about. At least that's what I assumed it was, but I wasn't entirely sure. Some people said his parents were going to break up, some also said that he was using me. At the time, I thought all of these ideas were lies, spread by bitchy girls in an attempt to put me off him so that they could have a chance. I thought of all those times when he hugged me from behind, and told me how beautiful I was. Could all those things really have meant nothing? Could all he'd done for me, really just been used to try and gain my trust and then destroy it? I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind, and stared at the picture, taken at my party; myself, George, Allie, Eliza and Layla.

George had one of him arms wrapped around me. I remembered that day clearly - how much he'd made me feel safe when I was with him, how much he'd made me laugh until my stomach began to hurt. In this picture, it looked as if he was fake though. His natural blonde hair looked dyed; His grey eyes looked like clouds full of rain. What happened to them? They were once so bright and blue. As I looked at him then, I realised how much he had changed that day. Right then I realised how much we had grown apart.

My eyes then drifted to my best friends: Allie, Layla, and Eliza. Allie looked nervous, wearing denim shorts and a tank top, holding a lolly-pop. She was so slim; her blonde, thin, hair lay against her body, she looked beautiful though as usual.

Eliza had braided her hair especially for my birthday; she looked stunning in her lilac, skater skirt and her lace black top.

But Layla shocked me the most, she came in wearing a light red dress and high heels. The red of her dress showed off her dark green eyes and her pale white skin. But her hair! She'd dyed it a bright red! It looked... gorgeous! When she arrived everyone's jaw dropped open.

My eyes then landed on me, each part of me I judged, lowering my self esteem even further. I was wearing a V neck, (too V for my liking), long sleeved (I hate long sleeved T-shirts), lime green jumper (that looked like snot!), and plain, denim jeans. It seemed like I was the only one that hadn't made an effort. Even George came in wearing an ironed shirt!

Those were the good old days when my best friend's and boyfriend were still the same. My best friends had changed though. They suddenly liked George after my party, even though they had been totally against us going out at the beginning. And their changes in their looks were astonishing and their personality's seemed to reflect that as well. Layla suddenly looked DEAD sexy and acted DEAD sexy too, unlike her usual self, she was normally always the one that stopped arguments from escalating, and kept the peace and friendship between our group. Eliza stopped being her crazy self and started being simple. More like me. And Allie started becoming more interested in boys; she even started to wear TONS of make-up.

It seemed, in my mind that I was the only one that hadn't changed.

I looked away from the picture and moved my eyes further along my bedside table, until they reached the picture of my dad. I missed him so much. It hurt whenever I looked at the pictures of him though. How could he have just left me here with mum, Bax, Dolly and Ella without saying goodbye? How could he find a new wife in a matter of months? I hadn't seen him since he left us. But I knew that he still cared, no matter where in the world he was, he would always care. And one day I'll see him again.

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