Chapter 14

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"I'm done caring for you. You're not even worth it. You're just a liar and I fell for your act. I deserve so much better than you. I've realised how much happier I am without you."

 I woke up on a rock hard chair in a dark room. For a moment I forgot where I was, who I was with, what had happened, but then it hit me like a sudden bullet; I was in a hospital, my sister Dolly was unconscious, my dad's dead, Steve had risked his life to save my little sister.

 "Steve?" I whispered into the darkness, surprisingly the only person I wanted to talk to right now was him. "Steve?" I whimpered again, this time, more loudly. I slowly rose from the chair as a faint voice called back, "Holly." It wasn't Steve's voice, but I knew whose it was. "Dean? Where are you? I can't see you anywhere!" I stuck out my hands and fumbled my way through the darkness to find him. "Go to the right a bit, can you feel my hand?" Dean asked. I shuffled slightly to the right and then found him, he grabbed my hand, it felt strong and steady, and then he pulled me into a warm embrace.

"Steve's fine, the doctor says he was lucky he only came out with a bump on his head." I dug my head further into Dean's chest as I wrapped my arms around his waist. I breathed in his rural scent, it helped me calm down. "What about Dolly?" I murmured. Dean went silent. My eyes had adjusted to the dark by this time and I could see his eyes shimmering, "Dean? What's happened to Dolly?"

"Dolly wasn't as fortunate as Steve." Dean said.

"What do you mean? What's happened to her? She can't be dead, she can't!" I shouted, I began to shake, fear of the death of my little sister drifted into my mind. "Dolly's in a coma." It took time for this information to digest, but then it became too much for me to take in and I began to weep. I cried so much, I cried for ten minutes or so, it was my entire fault. If I hadn't run off, if I hadn't had discovered the letters, everything would've been fine, but it's not. "Steve is still being treated. Your mum's also in a hospital room." My mum? No. No. No. I began to wail, she's all I had left of dad, I needed her! "No, no, don't cry! She's lying in a hospital bed because she has a feeling the baby's going to come in the next week!" Dean said as he wiped the tears off of my cheeks. "Bax and Ella are being looked after by one of the trainee nurses so I decided to stay with you, just in case you woke up before they got back, which you have." Right then, I wanted to be anywhere else but in that room, I wanted to be by Dolly's side, to talk to her whilst she rested, to explain how sorry I was, and to beg for her forgiveness.

"Holly, I need to tell you something, about me." Dean said. I slowly nodded; where was this going to lead to? "Well... now I think is the right time, me, you, in this dark room, alone." I knew what he was going to say, he was going to say he loved me and he cared for me, then we would kiss and he would magically make Dolly better and we'd go off and live in Scotland with Delia and have babies and die in each other’s arms. But then again, my life isn't a fairy tale.

 "I'm gay." He said, as he took a deep breath in.

My heart dropped, the whole world stopped spinning, I slowly pulled away from him and began to speak, "that's why you pulled back when we were about to kiss." I said as tears sprouted in my eyes. At that moment everything seemed perfectly clear to me, I loved Dean, ever since the first day I set eyes on him, I loved him. But he didn't love me. So I slowly left the room. Nothing seemed to be going my way.

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