Chapter 4

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"Keep you head up; Keep your heart strong"

I waited impatiently as Steve led my younger siblings to their rooms. I could hear them shriek in delight at what they saw. They're impressed easily though; but inside of me, I really wanted my room to be perfect - with white, lace curtains, and a fluffy white carpet, and tall, long-framed, highly polished windows. I had started walking along a long, narrow, corridor, staring down at my feet, thinking more of my room - a long bed, stuffed with feathers and cotton, with pillow covers made out of silk.

"S**t", I muttered. I was so clumsy, too busy stuck up in my thoughts that I'd knocked an object over; I spilt things, dropped things, and messed things up. I was a ball of shambles. I looked up from the small ornament I had just knocked off a mantel piece, before I kicked the broken pieces underneath a wooden table nearby, hopefully the owners of this house wouldn't notice. I went further along the winding corridors, the windows becoming smaller at every step I took, the entrance to the house became further away.

I spotted a staircase, where the long hallway ended. The steps went down. I wondered what was down there - hidden treasure, or maybe a person! No, not a person, that would just be freaky... I slowly creeped along the creaky floor boards until I was on the first step of the stairs. It looked dark, gloomy and eerie from where I was, I hoped that the light would be working! I strolled down the stairs, to find that it wasn't actually as dark as it seemed to be. There was one small window on the opposite wall, handing all the light that it could give to the abandoned room. The room itself held old antiques of all kinds, ranging from silver-framed mirrors to brass instruments. But there was one thing that caught my eye: a box, it was embedded with jewels, plastic probably but bright, colourful, jewels none the less. I skipped over objects, avoided various spider webs until I reached the magical container. I blew the dust off it, and stamped the spider webs away. I reached for it and touched it. Maybe not fake jewels after all. I picked it up. I inspected it. Yep, quite old, around 30 years probably, but that was just a guess, I was no expert.

I was just about to open it, when Steve called for me, "Holly! Where are you?" "Coming!" I replied.

I popped the box into my rucksack and headed for the stairs. It wasn't exactly stealing, I'd put it back once I'd seen what was inside.

And with that I walked back along the winding corridors, a burst of excitement running through me. But what if there wasn't anything in the box? Well that would be boring, I'd put something in the box if I were the owner. What's the point of having such a pretty container, if it didn't contain anything?

"There you are!" Steve said, "I was just about to come looking for you, where've you been? I thought you'd made a runner!" I gave him a cold, harsh stare. Like I'd be foolish enough to do a runner in the middle of nowhere! "Just show me to my room," I said, impatiently.

"Yeppy deppy doo doo." Steve said. He was so childish sometimes, I just wanted to give him a dummy and leave him in that dark basement forever.

"Holly." Steve said, I stared up at him. "I do, honestly hope you like this trip, we planned it specially for you." He looked at me expectantly, was I supposed to say something?

"Thanks," I replied, as I mustered up the biggest smile I could possibly pull off, just to please him. But it would not fool Steve. He stared blankly back at me.

He led me to the second floor, right next to Bax and Dolly's room, he pointed to the door and mindlessly walked away. I opened it and walked in. Ok, maybe not my dream room, but it actually wasn't all that bad. It had pale white lace curtains, and a dark pink carpet, and it had two, rather long-framed windows, but the paint was itching off; A long bed, it's cover was a hot pink, the pillows were floral, a nice range of summer colours, going from grass green to sunset orange. The walls were a light cream colour.

I closed the door behind me. There was a lock, but I didn't have the key. Oh well, I'll just have to risk it. I dropped my suitcase beside my bed and plumped my rucksack on to the bed. I took the box out, and placed it on my lap and lifted the lid.

Letters. Notes. Small objects. This is what the box was kept for? Containing old, probably unimportant letters? What a waste! I picked up one of the letters though - out of curiosity - being very careful not to rip it as it wasn't mine. I decided to read it, what had I to lose? I hadn't just snuck out a random box from a basement for absolutely no reason.

Dear Daddy,

Hello again! I haven't written to you in ages, so Mummy told me to write to tell you how we're doing.

Mummy is doing fine, she eats well now that Doctor D has given her her medicine. They make her happier she says. It's alright without you, Mummy says you're in a better place now that you're not ill. Mummy also said that she'll see you soon, but I won't, not for a long time. Why can't I see you Daddy? I miss you. I miss our regular fishing trips and our walks on the beach. I still remember how to get there: out of the kitchen door, into the back garden then through the secret gate behind that big bush, then you follow the path through the woods (make sure not to take the left turn otherwise you'll end up on the cliff), then you go down the steps and you're there. I'll never forget that path; maybe one day, when Mummy gets better and you come back, we can go through the woods together? And be a family again. Daddy, where do you live now? Mummy says you live in this place called Heaven, what is this 'heaven' she speaks of?

School is going well by the way. Mrs Mulberry says that my writing is coming along brilliantly and my math is getting a lot better, I know all my numbers now Daddy, Mummy says you would be proud, she says she is, she made me Blueberry tart when she found out, it was yummy. I have many friends, Daniel, Jem, Suzan, Lola, Daphney, Phillip, Edgar, Sophia, Elizabeth, Bob and Mary. I've told them all about you, maybe one day you'll be able to meet them! They'd love that! Anyway, I need to go, dinner is ready. I send with this letter all my love, hugs, and kisses to you. Bye bye!



Badger? What a strange, but cute name, maybe it was a nickname? I thought to myself. These letters actually seemed quite interesting, there were not very many of them though; There was also a shell, a rock and a bracelet. Whoever wrote these letters, used to, or still does, live in this house. This means there's a secret beach! How cool!?

"Holly!" Mum called. I'd check the beach out tomorrow and read more of the letters as well. This trip had become a tad bit interesting. I suddenly wanted to find out more about this "Badger" and his dead father. I didn't think Badger realised that his father was dead; I presumed he was reasonably young.

"Holly!" Mum screamed again.

"Coming!" I screamed back, before I picked the box up and placed it under my bed, this way, no-one would find it, and my discovery was safe for now.

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