Chapter 5

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Thanks to all of you for giving this story a chance, I hope that you won't be disappointed. This chapter is short, as I have been suffering from writer's block, but it is introducing a new character - Dean!! I re-wrote this over and over, as I was never satisfied with it and I'm still not completely satisfied right now to be honest. I will try and write more often now, as all of my ideas have suddenly rushed back to me (woooop). Please carry on reading, I assure you, it should get better. Feel free to comment on anything. Also, don't forget to press the VOTE button and follow me


"We don't remember days, We remember moments."

I rushed out of the kitchen door and into the back garden. After I walked through the garden I came across a wooden gate; padlocked, also hidden behind a fairly large bush. Urgh these are new leggings as well! I scrambled my way through the bush and over the wood-chipped gate and followed the rest of the path. After a few minutes the path divided into two. What did Badger say again? Oh yes, don't take the left as it will lead you to a cliff. I took the right and soon after, I came across some steps. I couldn't see beyond them, but I could smell the salty water, and hear the waves kiss the shore. I toddled down the stairs and was soon on the beach.

High cliffs surrounded the turquoise sea; the sand was a shade of peach, coral and yellow. The clouds were high in the sky, along with the sun, which shon brightly down apon the rocks. In the distance the waves looked like white horses, galloping in unison.

I pulled my shoes and socks off and left them on the steps, then I walked through the sand in bare feet, I loved the feel of the grains in between my toes. I loved the feel of the light wind which propelled itself towards my body. It was magical.

I sat down on the sand, as I stared out to sea. I was mesmerized in my own world, dreaming of a fairytale life, when suddenly I felt something wet on the back of my neck. I screamed in shock, wtf is that! I turned around to face the cause of my wet neck, and there before me was a dog, a pregnant German Sheppard. I had heard many stories of teenagers being mauled by dogs, but this one seemed quite friendly. I began to stroke her, I read the purple collar placed around her neck - Delia. Delia pounced on me. "Argghhh!" I screamed in shock, "not the face, not the face!" Her wet tongue glided across my cheek. Yuck.

A laughter came from a few metres away, I turned to the person that it belonged to - A boy. He had shaggy, brown hair and brown eyes, with a bright smile, an infectious laugh and perfect teeth - Cute. I began to laugh along with him as the boy walked towards me. "Delia!" He commanded, and the dog rushed towards him. "Fetch!" He said next, before he threw the ball well away from me. The boy came and sat down beside me. It was silent then, no dog barking, no humans talking, no birds squawking, the wind wasn't blowing, there was just a hollow emptiness feel of the place.

"Hi, my name's Holly," I said in an attempt to break the awkward silence that hung in the air.

"Hey Holly. I'm Dean." The boy replied, before he looked down at his shoes, and nudged a pile of sand around. "You're not from round here, are you?" Dean asked.

"No, London in fact." I replied.

"London must be amazing, I've never been out of this lonely town. Is it as cool as it looks in the pictures? The Big Ben, The London Eye, The River Thames. I'd like to own a flat when I'm older where you can see all of them from one window. I love the inner city buzz, or at least my idea of the atmosphere. I've never actually been anywhere outside of our neighbouring towns."

"Dean, I don't know what you've heard about London, it's honestly not that amazing. The Big Ben is just a bloody clock on a building, I don't get what the big fuss is? Turn my alarm on loud every morning and it could make just as much of a noise. The London Eye is boring too. It goes way too slowly for my liking, but when you do get to the top it admittedly is a marvellous view. The River Thames is ugly and the colour of rat's diarrhoea. And when you walk through the streets of London all you see is pigeon shit everywhere which is just the cherry on top of the cake, isn't it?"

Dean chuckled to himself. "For you it's boring, but for people like me... it's amazing. Better than this place, by far, there's nothing to do here. Maybe you Holly, can bring a bit of excitement to this town in the middle of nowhere!" Dean laughed. This place isn't at all bad though - it's beautiful, and it feels... special, different, like the house had been waiting for me to enter for years, the beach waiting for my footsteps. "This place is... unbelievably beautiful. How about we swap for a lifetime?" I said to Dean, we both chuckled.

"It's getting fairly late now, I should head back, my mum will be waiting for me." I said, before I got up and brushed the sand off my legs and bum.

"You sure you don't want me and Delia to walk you back?" Asked Dean.

"Nahhh I'll be fine, I can manage, the house I'm staying at is closer than you think!" I replied. He grinned at me and said his farewells.

I was halfway up the steps when Dean shouted, "Holly!" I turned back around to face him before he continued, "do you want to meet me here tomorrow - around the same time that we bumped in to each other?"

"Yeah sure, why not?" I replied, a smile began to spread across my face.

"K, see you then!"

After trodding up the narrow steps, I made my way back through the woods. I couldn't stop thinking about Dean - his cheeky smile, red cheeks, glowing eyes... I know I'd only just met him, but I felt a connection to him that I hadn't felt before, I liked him, and I had a gut feeling that by the end of this trip we'd be close indeed. No love feelings, I have George for that, but for some reason, It felt as if Dean and I have had more of a connection than George and I.

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