Chapter 12

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"When someone hurts you, Cry a river, Build a bridge, and get over it!"


Dad's not dead, Daddy's in front of Holly. She storms out of the room. Daddy looks like he wants to run after her, to comfort her, but everyone knows that would only make her angrier. Daddy is the last person she wants to see, she hates him. I don't know why. Daddy is kind and funny and cares about everyone, including Holly, even though she is so cruel to him. Since Daddy decided it's best not to follow her and Mum said to everyone "just give her time to cool down and take all of the information in." But I think there's no time for that. I'm going to follow her. Dean arrives down stairs and comes into the living room as he gave mummy and daddy a sympathetic look before saying "I'm so sorry, but she had to know, it just wasn't right." Then he went out of the kitchen with me behind shortly following him. "Dolly," He says "you should stay inside."

"No. She's my sister, so I'm coming."

"Ok" He replies, "but keep up with me, I don't want you getting lost, if you do get lost, stay exactly where you are until I come and find you." I nod.

But as soon as he gets over the garden gate I loste him. I'm crawling between a gap in the gate

. I've finally squeezed through, now I just have to catch up with Dean and find Holly.

 It's so dark and windy though, and cold and wet, I think I see two red eyes in the bushes! MONSTERS...

I'm running now, I'm so scared, I want Holly, I think I'm going to cry

There' are 2 paths in front of me, I don't know which one to take. I'm taking the left, 'if nothing goes right, go left', and nothing is going right, I'm lost and I'm scared. I don't know where I'm going, the path is slowly fading away. I'm beginning to scream for Holly and Dean.

A cliff. I'm on a cliff, and I can't see Holly. But I can hear shouting from below. But the wind's so strong, I don't want to go near the edge, but I need Holly!

I'm walking to the edge, "Holly! Holly!" I call. I'm getting closer and closer to the edge as she still can't hear me, "HOLLY!" I shout, in the loudest voice I can possibly spring out of my small lungs. She hears me! She turns to look at me and she's doing some sort of sign, her eyes have just popped open and she's looking at Dean and she's saying something. She's trying to tell me something, but the wind's blowing too hard, I can't hear.

I feel a rumbling beneath my feet, Dean and Holly have started screaming, I cry out as the part of the cliff I'm standing on breaks away beneath me, causing me to fall with it. "HOLLY!" I scream.

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