Chapter 9

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"Maybe it's not about the happy ending.

Maybe it's about the story..."

"How was it babes?” Mum said as I walked in to the kitchen. Steve, Bax and Dolly were still in the hallway as they took off their shoes. "Yeah, it was good. Dean's nice," I replied, my mum didn't know that I'd already met Dean, and I wanted it to stay that way. "Did Dean's parents say anything about John?" Mum said.

"Ummm no... should they have?" I said suspiciously. Why would they say anything about my dad? Other than the fact that he was Scottish, they had no resemblance. "Oh no, sorry, I was thinking about something else." Yeah right, I thought.

"Well I'm heading back out again." I said, before I made my way out of the back door.

"And where exactly is that Holly? You've been disappearing lately and I don't like it, what have you been doing that has made you so eager to leave this house?" Mum said, she always had to be on my back, she always thought that if I went out with my friends or with George, we'd be having sex or doing drugs or underage drinking. I'm insecure about my body and looks, she should know that by now. I won't even get in to a swimsuit without whining about how it exposes my body and how the exposure draws in the weirdest sad-sacks in the universe.

"Doesn't matter where I go." I called out to her.

I hurried down the long path from the back garden gate hidden behind a bush, and eventually came to the stairs, there at the bottom step was Dean. As soon as he saw me he stood up and began to speak, "something's up Holly. And it involves your dad." I nodded as I rushed down the steps to meet him.

"Dean, I need to know what's going on, do you know anything?"

"Not right now Holly, but I eaves-dropped on my parents, and I heard them mention him."

"Are you sure?"


"My parents won't tell me anything even if I asked. Dean, all my hope lies on you. Here's my number. Call or text me as soon as you find out what's going on," I gave him my number then we both left.

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