Chapter 19

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 "Never waste your time trying to explain who you are to people who are committed to misunderstanding you."


 Why you dressed up all fancy luv?" Mum said as I began to walk down the stairs.

 "We won a football game so I'm going to go and celebrate." I replied quickly as I pulled on my shoes hurriedly, in attempt to avoid any more awkward conversation with my mum. I swiftly dashed to the bathroom, to check if my hair was still in place before I grabbed my coat, picked up my keys, phone, and headphones, and left without saying another word to her.

 Things hadn't been the same with us since... well... since me and Holly first started dating. She disliked Holly, for some unknown reason. Every time I used to bring her up, every time I used to get a phone call from her, mum would sigh and mutter to herself. Once I heard her talking to dad about how much she despised Holly, and how she thought she was a desperate, arrogant, stupid girl. But I completely disagree. Holly is spectacular. A lot of people mistake a blue eyed, blond hair boy like me - they just think of the stereotypical player, but honestly, I'd always liked Holly, from the very beginning of year 10, when I was put in her art class.

What drew me to her was the goofy smile she had whenever she painted something; it was like it had a hidden secret placed in it that only she knew. She wasn't like everyone else; she didn't make an assumption of me like others did before actually getting to know me. I guess, not to by arrogant or anything, but I'm the stereotypical girls idea of a dream boy. I play football, I can sing, draw, and I have blue eyes and blond hair. My music teacher said it’s okay to be egotistic, because it helps with self confidence.

I opened myself up to Holly, and soon enough, I was in love... or at least a teenager's perception of love.

 Mum always thought that Holly's family members were crazy, but they're actually lovely, each and every single member, even Holly’s stepdad Steve.

 I knew that mum would eventually find out, via dad, that I actually was on my way to Holly's 15th birthday party. And when I’d get back home, she would be angry. I told her I would stop seeing Holly, but I just can't help it. A day without her just doesn't feel right. I can't get over her. But how can anyone get over a girl like her, so funny, kind, patient, fragile, caring, even if she doesn't show that side to others, she does to me. In a way, I guess I'm not true to her, I act like us going out is no big deal, just a natural part of being a teenager, teenage love. But what she doesn't know is that whenever she looks at me, I go all... gooey inside. I don't know what to say and I always mess up in front of her. What people don't realise is that boys do have intense feelings, they just keep it low-key.

 Holly's friends, well they just don't get me. They just don't realise how much I genuinely care about Holly and how I would never hurt her purposefully without good reasons or intentions.

 The very last thing I wanted to do was hurt her, But sometimes, life puts you in difficult situation so you have to make irrational decisions and choose between people. Mum or Holly? But I guess Holly was bound to get hurt either way, I just chose the wrong option, the option that would hurt her the most. And Allie. And even me too.

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