Chapter 10

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A/N In the next chapters... a lot of things are revealed... This chapter is going to be the text message between Holy and Dean...

"The best part about pictures is that even when the people in the photo change, the memory it contains never will."

Dean: Hi

Holly: Heya

Holly: So, what's the news?

Dean: ...

Holly: ...

Dean: what?

Holly: Tell me!

Dean: ...

Holly: Oh my Dean, seriously

Dean: I have nothing to hide, no secrets.

Holly: This isn't funny Dean.

Dean: Just chilllll Holly.

Holly: Shut up and tell me right now

Dean: Yeah, I've been kinda avoiding that...

Holly: You know something, don't you?

Dean: Maybe

Holly: Please Dean, I need to know!

Dean: You don't need to know everything. I'd rather know a few things abut the situation, than every single detail that would silently kill me.

Holly: If it inlvolves my dad, then I have the right to know

Dean: Well, It is about your Dad so...

Holly: What about him?

Dean: Holly, I wish I could tell you, but I just can't

Holly: Please Dean, I need to know, I'm tired of lies

Holly: If you can't be a true friend and tell me, then I guess I'll just have to find it out myself.

 Dean: No, I think you'd take it better if I told you in person


Dean: Fine tomorrow, 6pm, I'm coming yours

 Holly: Why can't you just tell me now?

Dean: Because... I'll tell you a bit about Badger now instead

Holly: Go on...

Dean: Badger killed himself on the same cliff his father killed himself on. Ok, that's all I'm saying, I've got to go meet some mates, until tomorrow cya.

Holly: Bye

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