Final Part

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TIMEOUT - Final Part

"Y/N!" he gasps as he sees you standing at the sideline behind the barrier and walks up to you. "You're here?!"

"Yeah but you apparently aren't?" you reply, worried. "Kyun, what is wrong?"

Gosh. Seeing your beautiful face now overwhelms him so, so much. Since the day you met, you've always been the person that gives him the most comfort, so the words bubble out of him almost immediately.

"What if you were right? This can't be all I want!" he rants. "Running after a damn ball, completely ignoring my education and what's really important in life. And it turns out that I'm not even good enough in the thing I'm risking my education for. And at the same time, I'm so scared to give 100% because what if I get hurt again? There are so many things in my mind right now, my entire future is at stake, and still, all I can think of is how to make this up to you! I miss you! I miss you so much but you deserve a smart dude, someone that has a plan, someone that makes you happy and that has his anger under control! Someone that doesn't go berserk and beat a dude half dead and—"

"Kyun!" you interrupt his monologue. "I'm sorry!"

Baffled, his jaw drops.

"For so many years I was hiding after what happened to me. I was running away from it and studying became my only priority and I kind of projected this on you... wanted you to be the same.

All of this made me selfish. Cause the mere thought of you seeing Emery on a regular basis when you got back on the team scared me so much. And at the same time, I knew what he's capable of. I knew he'd provoke you and you'd freak out! And when it happened... I was so mad because I was right!" Tears run down your cheeks and Kyun takes a step closer, cups your cheeks, and dries them.

"I never meant to let you down. When I heard you really got kicked out of the team I felt horrible. Because I could only imagine how devastated you were. But I was still so mad and I thought... I thought you never wanted to see me again, after what I said to you. Until your message last night... Kyun... please. Only because I'm too scared to embrace life, doesn't mean you have to be the same. You used to be so fearless, so happy. This is your dream. Don't let me ruin it!"

For a moment he watches you crying, and as you seem to be done with your speech he smiles softly.

"Can I speak now?"

Sobbing, you nod.

"I'm so sorry too! The moment I heard your words I was falling apart. And then I drowned in practice instead of clarifying this with you. I wanted to. But something inside of me thought as long as I pushed it away... you'd still be my girlfriend. Cause I was convinced you'd break up with me..."

"And then I did..." you whisper and he chuckles quietly.

"But I deserved that... you told me to stay out of this. And I freaked the shit out. I never meant to hurt you... I just... all I wanted was to be a guy you wanna be with... I wanted to change for you... and the fact that I was trying so hard and it still didn't seem to be enough, cut me deep... and I let it out on Emery..."

Better him than anyone else, though.

"I don't want you to change, Kyunnie!" you say desperately and lower your head. "I already love you exactly like this!" you add, mumbling.

Startled, he shakes his head, still holding your cheeks, and lowers his gaze to catch your eyes while his heart almost explodes in his chest. What did you just say?

"What was that?"

Groaning, you look at him. "You heard me!"

"No..." he shakes his head, smiling like an idiot. "No, it's pretty loud here..."

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