Maybe This Was A Bad Idea

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Taylor and I sat in the seat in front of Scott and Stiles for "safety" reasons, the comment had made me roll my eyes.

"Yo, Scotty! " Stiles snapped his fingers. "Hey, yo! Scotty? Still with me?" Stiles said making me roll my eyes, as I checked my phone, no text from Destiny yet.

"Yeah, sorry. Uh, what's the word?" Scott asked definitely more than tired.

"Anachronism." Stiles repeated.

"Something that exists out of its normal time." Scott told him.

"Nice! Okay, next word incongruous."

"Uh, can you use it in a sentence?"

"Yes. Yes, I can! It's completely incongruous that we're sitting on a bus right now, on our way to some stupid cross-country meet, after what just happened. Incongruous." Stiles said making Scott nod as he gripped the back of our seat.

"Out of place, ridiculous, absurd."

"Perfect. Okay, next word. Um... Darach." Scott ripped his head to look at Stiles. "Darach. It's a noun?" Stiles slowly turned his head to look at Scott. "We have to talk about it sometime, okay? And we're gonna be stuck in this thing for, like, five hours, so why not?" Scott sighed and leaned against the window. "Next word... Intransigent."

"Stubborn, obstinate..." Scott started as we hit a bump, the whole bus rattling, making him groan in pain.

"Oh, buddy, you okay? We shouldn't have come. I knew it-- we shouldn't have come."

"We had to. There's safety in numbers."

"Yeah, well, there's also death in numbers, okay? It's called a "massacre"

"Or bloodbath, Carnage..." I shrugged

"Slaughter, Butchery..." Taylor input as well, Scott let out another groan.

"All right, I'm telling Coach that--" Stiles began to say before Scott cut him off.

"No, no, no, no, I'm all right."

"Well, you don't look all right! Would you just let us see it?" Stiles gesturing to the three of us.

"I'm okay..."

"Just let us see it, okay?" I said giving Scott a pleading look.


"Oh, dude..."

"Good god Scott." I muttered horrified.

"I know it's bad, but it's because they're from an Alpha-- it'll take longer to heal."

"How come Boyd and Isaac are fine, then?" Taylor asked glancing up at the two.

"I can't believe he's dead. I can't believe Derek's dead."

Taylor passed me a glance, and I shook my head not believing he was actually dead. When my phone dinged indicated I had a text.

These two are ridiculous, how do either of you deal with them? Allison is worried she's following too close to the bus and Lydia is being sarcastic about it, asking if she planned on mounting it at some point. And Rory is taking a nap in the back seat with me.

I showed Taylor the text both of us giggling about it.

Coach blew his whistle again, "The two of you-- back in your seats! Jared, again? Carsick? Every ti-- How do you even get on the bus Look at me! No, don't look at me! Look at the horizon. Keep your eyes-keep your eyes on the horizon. McCall, not you, too?"

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