Holy hot cowboy

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We got to the rink and I changed into my hockey gear. I was nervous to say the least but I knew I wouldn't be here if I wasn't good. I stepped onto the ice and stood beside the other girl and the shorter boy there. "Tell me about my new kids" the Minnesota miracle man himself our new coach Gordon Bombay spoke. "Luis Mendoza real speedster clocked him 1.9 seconds blue line to blue line" Luis and I came here on the same plane he's a good guy, cocky but good. As he told me he would he went sliding into the wall so we all went over to help him up. Then I heard a voice that gave me butterflies. "YEEEEHAW YALL READY TO PLAY SOME PUCK" I feel myself blush as I watch him get introduced "Dwayne Robertson from Austin Texas best puck handler I've ever seen" boy was he correct this kid could puck handle for days "this is easier than roping hogs" I watched him as he bounced the puck off the back of his skate and and off his stick and between his legs "he had a tendency to showboat" I smile as he skated back and stands beside me. "You're really good" I whisper to him "thank ya" his country accent makes me blush "holy hot cowboy" I mumble to myself "did ya say something?" He asks me "no no I didn't sorry" I blush he almost heard me. "Next is miss Hailey Crenshaw best puck bandit out there" I smiled and skated forward "yours your best possesser" I asked coach "probably Charlie" Charlie skates forward and takes the puck and starts trying to keep me away from it I had it taken away within seconds. "Um banks come here" coach motioned to the next kid and he did the same as Charlie It took me a little longer to get the puck but I did get it in under 5 seconds. "She's good, but" I felt a drop in my stomach he doesn't think I'm good enough "hey cowboy" I smile as Dwayne comes beside me "let's see her get the puck from you" Dwayne smiled at me and took the puck skating out with it and started putting it between his legs "come on cowboy give me a challenge" he jumped over the puck the first time I tried to grab it but when he bounced it off his stick I shoved my stick under catching the puck and pulling it away shooting it at the goal and it sailed in. "How king did that take me?" I asked coach pulling off my helmet "48 seconds" coach said watching Dwayne and me with eyes of wonder "you two would make a great team on the ice" coach says to us Dwayne smiles at him and looks at me "I reckon we would" I try to hide my blush but I know I failed miserably what has this boy done.

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