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TW: (joint)Suicide, radioactivity, death, just a sad chapter

Y/n's POV
No words needed to be spoken, for us to know we knew. This was it. Neither of us could continue anymore, knowing it just wouldn't work out.

Fate just didn't like us.

"Did you want to say anything to her?" I asked Mum, knowing she hadn't said a goodbye to Billie but she just shook her head and opened the door to the outpost corridor, stepping out with her fluffy socks on the wooden floor.

I took one last look around my tiny home and sighed, before following Mum out of the room and shutting my front door.

"You ready?" She whispered, taking my hand in her's, as we walked in silence through the outpost.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I breathed out, as we stood in front of the lift to the outside.

"It's weird how many times we've been in this lift, but only now are we going in it as ourselves." She said gently, pressing the button to open it.

We locked eyes, before hesitantly shuffling in and closing the door.

"Are you sure about this?" Mum looked to me, but she already knew the answer. Yes.

I squeezed her hand a little tighter and we started going up.

The lift stopped.

The doors waited to open.

The outside world stood still.

Our breathing quickened.

I pressed the open switch.

And the lift opened.

The frosty air hit us at a slow pace, making us shiver slightly in the foggy cloud.

Already, my body was in pain, everything burned with immense force.

I felt weak, as I reached out to hold Mum, slowly falling to the floor with her.

"I love you so much." I croaked out.

"I love you too darling."

I didn't want to die yet, there was too much to say but she knew that.

Gently, she pulled me closer, as if shielding me from the fumes.

"Sleep little one, it's OK, I'm here." She whispered into my hair, kissing my temple softly, as I closed my eyes.

We laid down on the dead ground, our arms still around one another and my head over her heart, listening to it slowing down, as we let the radiation take over our bodies.

"Mum?" I whispered.

"Yes y/n?"

"Will we be together when it ends?"


HELP ME PART 7حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن