Chapter 18

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December 27 2013

Jack was sitting with Bobby, Joe, Tim, Teddy, his brother in laws Gordon, Peter, Stephen, and Billy

They were debating to go out sailing. It was cold out. But they had winter coats. And warm pants.

"You know if we take Jack out sailing Jackie will kill us." Peter joked

"I'm a big boy I can make my own decisions"

"Yes you are a big boy. However you have been sick. You are handling chemo well. But going out sailing may not be a good idea." Tim replied

"Yeah, I'm tired anyway. I don't feel so good." Jack said passing out into Peter

"Jack? Joe he is burning up he is hot." Peter said

"Call 911. " Joe said

"Steve, Gordo, Billy let's go make sure everyone is calm" Peter said after he called 911 and handed his phone over to Teddy who was on the line with them

The guys ran out of Jack's Jackie and Ethel ran into the house.

"How is he?" Jackie asked Joe.

"He may have developed another infection." Joe told her


Bobby quickly got up and went to Lilly

"Uncle Bobby what's wrong with my dad?"

"Let's go for a walk."

"Will you tell me the truth?"

Bobby nodded

He talked to Lilly and explained things to what he knew. still leaving out the memory loss.

"Uncle Bobby. can i ask you something?"

"Why doesn't my dad remember things?"

"What do you mean?"

"I asked him when he was younger if you and him were close and he changed the subject when he hit his head he lost his memory didn't he?"

"What was his response to that question before?"

"He would reply yes. We have always been close your dad is my best friend. I love him so very much. When he changed the subject i knew something was wrong uncle Bobby please don't lie to me."

"Have you talked to your cousins?"

"Yes Riley, Liam, Hannah Jacob ,Abby, Luke and Bobby They all said they would talk to you we have come to the conclusion Dad has lost his memory is that true .he knows us but doesn't know the past? We think you, Uncle Joe, Uncle Tim, Uncle Teddy, Aunt Eunice, Aunty Kick, Aunt Jean and Aunt Rosemary have filled him in on things.

"Lilly, I'm going to be honest with you . Rosemary doesn't know please don't tell her it would hurt her. But yes your dad doesn't know his past he does know you and your siblings his siblings. Just make sure that you help him and be kind with him. I told that to my kids, please let me talk to Riley, Liam, Hannah and Jacob"

"Why didn't you say anything? I'm not a little kid anymore"

"Lilly, Its not something your dad wanted you to know. Can you help jog your dad's memory?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry I was mad, will you go see if my dad is okay?"

Bobby was about to reply when his phone dinged.

-Jack in ICU in a drug induced coma has an infection he is critical let family know- Joe

His phone dinged again Bobby staying with Jack please watch the kids tell them I love them

"Lil could you go get everyone together?"

"Is it bad?"

"You're staying with me for a bit. Please go and get your siblings together. And cousins."

Bobby walked up his phone dinged

Robby in labor tell Billy to come give him a phone charger –Kick

"Billy your wife is having Sammy, get a phone charger and go to your wife." Bobby said

"Got one. Teddy watch my kids. Bobby has his handful with Jack's." Billy said running to his truck he got in and drove to the hospital.

Bobby told the family about Jack they all said a prayer in hopes Jack would be okay.

December 30 2013

Bobby walked into the hospital he was giving his bone marrow to Jack his stomach hurt. he shook it off and walked to the room he found where he was supposed to be.  He walked into the room

"Hello Robert." The Nurse told him

"I thought Doctor Hill was going to perform the procedure." Bobby said rubbing his stomach he wasn't feeling that great.

"Just lay here it wont take long, I'll give you a sedation and start the procedure."

"My stomach feels sick I have pain."

"Its just nerves."

Bobby laid down the pain was getting worse. The nurse gave Bobby sedation and took his bone marrow during that time Bobby's appendix burst.

When he awoke he started to throw up

"Bobby!" Clint said running in with Joe

"Joe I was in pain in my abdomen. She put me under I told her I was sick. Joe I don't feel good so hot." Bobby said passing out

 "Bobby, Wake up. Robert answer  me" Joe said as he rubbed Bobby's sternum  as he had checked Bobby's abdomen he ran some tests 

"Get him to the OR right now his appendix burst." Joe yelled as he ran up to the OR he had to tell Ethel Clint made sure Bobby's bone marrow was taken care of

Joe reamed out the nurse. He told Ethel whom

Bobby was rushed into surgery after the surgery he slipped into a coma he was in a bad way

Clint found out the nurse gave Bobby drugs that he was allergic to she also gave him strong chemo medication Clint told Joe who fired the nurse for screwing up he was terrified to lose both his brothers.

Kennedy Compound December 31

It was new year's eve the Kennedy's never felt like celebrating some of bobby's kids were acting out same with Jack's kids. Lee and Stash were staying at Jack and Jackie's looking after the kids Lilly wanted nothing to do with them she was snapping at everyone.

Kick was home with her four day old son Samuel Robert. She looked outside to see Lilly and Bobby Jr with Teddy she gave Sammy to Billy She put on her shoes and a zip up hoodie she went outside to hear Lilly say,

"If you think I'm taking orders from you think twice?"

Bobby responded, "You are not my dad you never will be my dad."

"Robert, Lillian get inside now!" kick told them

She rubbed Teddy's arm, "Just watch the other kids. I'll keep these two."

"She already told Lee where to go. Lilly is torn first her dad now Bobby. And Bobby's kids are acting out."

"Teddy, I know Hannah and Jacob are acting out as well the kids are close to Bobby."

"Uncle Teddy I'm sorry I just want my dad and Uncle Bobby to be okay. I love you. "Lilly said hugging him

No words had to be said at that moment Teddy hugged his niece back, he knew this was going to be hard.

Bobby came out and apologized as well.

The Kennedy's kept praying this was another blow that they would get through.

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