chapter 4

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Hey Kennedy readers, I have decided to take a different approach with this story as you will read. This has never been written before at least not in a Kennedy fic. Hey why not be different right? I hope you like it and thanks for reading take care my dear readers. :)

Kick slipped out to get a doctor.

He returned he examined Jack. Who was still dazed did these people care about him? Were they really his siblings? He closed his eyes just to see if they really cared.

"Will he regain his memory?" Kick asked

"Will he slip back into a coma?" Jean asked

"For the memory He might regain it over time. It be days, weeks or years. He needs you to help him to share his life with him help him trigger memories. As for slipping back into a coma that is very unlikely. "The doctor told them

They do care. I don't remember them but they do care. Okay I can trust them. Jack thought to himself.

Bobby, Kick ,Jackie, Tim ,Joe ,Jean ,Eunice , Pat and Teddy nodded.

"I should tell you we ran some tests when Jack came in. We noticed swelling and brushing that never lined up with the injuries. We are very sorry to tell you he is in the early stages of leukemia. Truth be told this head Injury saved his life. We can talk about options. " the doctor said making sure Jack was comfortable.

"Why didn't you tell us while he was in the coma?" Joe said

"We were running the tests in the week we out the results back today. If he hadn't woken up we would have started chemotherapy while he was in the coma." Dr. Carter told them

Jack opened his eyes he looked at the people in the room he could tell they were siblings they looked alike he spoke to the strangers to test them again, "Great I don't remember my family and I have leukemia. This is just great." Jack replied

"We will get through this honey." Jackie said rubbing Jack's hand. Being careful of the IV's

Jack looked at his wife she was so beautiful.

"Jack we will be there every step of the way." Bobby responded

"Jack we are Kennedy's and Kennedy's stick together." Kick replied

"You won't be alone in this fight." Tim told him

"I don't know what to do?" Jack replied

"Jack that's a decision you and Jackie need to make. I could go home and tell your kids." Bobby replied

Jack was stunned these strangers did care he could see himself being attached to them. He could see them as his siblings he just nodded.

The Kennedy siblings could see Bobby was torn. He was close to Jack and now his brother never even knew who he was.

"Thank you Bobby." Jackie replied

The family said good bye to both Jack and Jackie and left.

Once outside the hospital Bobby sat on a bench he started to cry.

Kick sat beside him and rubbed his back

"Joe what do we do?" Bobby asked he knew he sounded like a child. He felt like he had been kicked in the stomach. His older brother whom he loved and considered as his best friend didn't even know him. He felt like he had lost his best friend forever.

"Bob we need to be strong for Jack. I know he has had struggles in his life and has overcome them. I don't know why one person is dealt more than their share. But we are family and God placed us in the world as siblings. Knowing we can get though everything together. We have gotten through other things we will get through this." Joe told Bobby hugging him

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