Chapter 3

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"How's Jack?" Bobby asked walking into the ICU

"No change he is still the same. Bobby I don't know what I will do if I lost him."

"Jackie he is a Kennedy he will pull through."

Jackie nodded

"Jackie I will sit with him go rest and be with your kids."

Jackie nodded

"I told Ethel to come pick you up."

"Thanks Bobby." Jackie said giving him a kiss on the cheek

Ethel came in with Kick

Jackie hugged Kick. She looked at Ethel she knew how much Bobby and Kick hurt. Other than herself they were the ones who had always been close to Jack.

Jackie gave Jack a kiss good bye and left.

Kick and Bobby sat with Jack

"Come on Jack wake up. We all miss you." Kick said

Bobby POV

I stood at the door watching Jack breathe he had been in a coma for three days I often wondered if he would ever wake up.

I felt guilty I shouldn't have made that stupid bet if I hadn't jack wouldn't have climbed back up the ladder to make things perfect.

"Bobby this isn't your fault." Kick told me

"If I hadn't of gone along with the bet he wouldn't be here."

"Robert, He may have been every year one of you ends up in the ER."

"Kick who will tell Rosie?"

"Tim said he would tell her."

I nodded and leaned on the door. Kick got up and gave me a hug.

"Bobby go home and say good night to your kids."

"What about you?"

"I said goodnight before I came."

"Kick is it true?"


"Are you pregnant?"

"Bobby how did you know?"

"Kick you are I'm happy for you."

"I told Jack I just found out .along with Billy you're the first to know. Keep it in the down low."

"Okay Kicker."

"Do you think Jack will be okay?"

Kick nodded at Bobby

A few days later

Jack awoke he looked around the room why was he here? Who were the strangers?

"Who are all of you?" Jack asked

He heard a women gasp and start to cry.

"Oh I'm sorry miss please don't cry." Jack told Jackie

"Your Jack Kennedy that is your wife Jackie. I'm your brother Tim, our siblings Bobby, Joe, Eunice , Pat, Kick, Jean , Teddy our other sister Rosemary is at home with my wife Liz."

" I'm sorry I don't remember any of you."

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