Chapter 20

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Jackie and Ethel sat in the ICU with their husbands. They would not leave their sides they ate and slept at the hospital.Both women held their husbands hands. Jack had had two seizures form the medications he had developed several infections that his body wasn't fighting off. The kids were all at the hospital they had been told to say their good bye's 

Lilly was taking it the hardest she was losing her dad and uncle Bobby Lilly was a daddy's girl she sat and cried with Abby who was also a daddy's girl they were losing thier father's and bell uncles. The younger kids really didn't know what was going on.

Bobby was getting worse they had to control his fever which kept spiking they were giving him medications to help. Nothing was helping.Ethel stroked Bobby's face, "Bobby don't Leave me." Ethel said as she kissed Bobby's hand tears streamed down her face.Bobby suddenly flat lined...."BOBBY NO!" Ethel screamed

Jackie sat holding Jack's hand she held his strong hand in hers she loved Jack with all of her heart."Jack I love you." Jackie said knowing Jack wouldn't respond she crested his cheekSuddenly Jack flat lined...."Don't leave me Jack!" Jackie screamed 

she looked at Ethel she hadn't realized Bobby had died she heard words sorry Mrs. Kennedy your husband is gone Jackie turned to the doctors working on Jack they stopped and turned to Jackie she heard the same words Ethel had heard. sorry Mrs. Kennedy your husband didn't make it.Jackie looked at Ethel she walked over to her they embraced and cried they had just lost their husbands.

They looked over their husbands and sobbed this wasn't fair. They had to be strong for their children.

I'm so sorry I know I said I wouldn't kill them i'm so sorry  this has three more chapters the after math of Jack and Bobby's deaths and the funeral I just couldn't see them living through this. I wasn't going to kill them.

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