chapter 29

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November 17 2014

"Can you believe my sons will be a year old?" Jack said to Tim, Joe, Gordon, Steve, Peter , Teddy Bobby and Billy as they stood outside ready to hang Christmas lights they had all pulled out the outside décor the men were talking about their plans they had decided they would not compete anymore but work

together and help each other

"It has been ten months since you had leukemia." Bobby said

"Yeah I feel great. I have a new lease on life. And a greater appreciation for life and everyone around me. " Jack replied

"same here . Facing death is something I don't ever want to do again. And I will never ever have cherries again."

"The sedation medication for that is a cherry base. The nurse never looked at your file. If she did she would have used another sedation. You never got sick like that before when you ate them. You just broke out into hives." Joe replied

"Yeah I remember. Not fun at all why did I have a reaction like that?"

" you Ingested the cherries. The medication was injected into you."

"I still blame myself for that if I didn't need bone marrow you wouldn't have been in the situation."

"Jack it wasn't your fault I would give bone marrow to you all over again."

"Thanks let's just pray I stay in remission for the rest of my life."

"I will agree to that." Lilly said hugging her dad

"Yeah .Dad don't ever scare us like that again." Abby said

Bella came up behind them and threw snow

Jack turned around and tickled her ear making her laugh

"Hi mommy." John said hugging his dad's leg

"Hey Jackie what are you doing out here?" Jack asked

Noticing his sisters and sister in laws had also come out with the older kids.

"What are you doing Ethel those are my plans," Bobby exclaimed as Ethel gave him Chris and took his plans.

"Take your kids and go inside." Ethel told him

"What ?" Bobby said confused Jack was just as confused as Jackie handed him the twins

"We have decided it's our year to decorate as we can't take another ER visit." Kick said giving Billy their son

"No I have a certain way!" Tim told his wife

"You can't do that this goes her and that goes there! "Joe exclaimed to Josie referring to the two candles he had at the stairs.

"Pat that is so wrong. "Peter replied as Pat moved the Yoda

He looked to see the mailman he looked at Bobby and smirked, "hey Bobby here comes the mailman don't bark at him."

The adults laughed

Bobby would never live down the fetch thing.

Gordon turned the attention back to his wife.

"Eunice honey I have never gotten hurt." Gordon said

"Yes you hammered your glove to the roof."

"I haven't had a trip to the ER." He replied

"No way Joansie I'm not allowing you to do this." Ted replied

"This is not right I have my way." Steve replied

"I have a feeling we won't win this." Joe said forfeiting his plans

"Okay hers a deal we do our own decorating no plans and no bets and you can watch us and if we need a ladder one will hold the ladder and we won't do anything unsafe." Jack said negotiating with his wife, sisters and sister in-laws.

"Yeah we will start on Jack's house first than Bobby's than mine and so forth. "Billy replied

"Dad you won't win this one. They have been discussing it for months." Abby said to her dad

"Yeah." Lilly said

"Let's go play cut the rope. "Lilly suggested to her cousin as they took their little brothers in the house

"Hey Jack want to lose?"

"Lose what teddy?" Jack asked

"At hockey I will play you a game on the Xbox."

"Yeah fine. Don't you ladies end up in the ER." Jack joked

Jackie threw a snow ball at him the adults started throwing them back and forth.

"Lilly looked at Abby she replied, "should we help them?"

"No my dad is a big boy he can do his own dirty work. Besides he will just end up doing just that." Abby said pointing to her dad as he put snow down Ethel's coat.

Jack threw a snowball at Jackie it went down her shirt

She pushed him and put snow down his jacket. Jack pulled her into a passionate kiss. As they continued to throw snow at each other.

"Jackie I enjoyed our personal snowball fight."

"Mr. Kennedy are you trying to seduce me?"

"No I love you." Jack said hugging her romantically

"Jack you will not win this no matter how sexy you are. You are not hanging Christmas lights."

"When I fell that saved my life."

"Go babysit our twins. Why don't you take the kids to meet Santa. Go Christmas shopping."

"Fine only because your my sexy wife." Jack said tapping her butt as he walked away from her.

Jackie smiled she loved Jack she was happy that he was around to help her and be there for her.

"Ethel we can work together and I can help" Bobby said rubbing her bum seductively

"Robert Francis Kennedy are you trying to seduce me?"

"I wasn't but you turn me on when you use my full name."

"Not, happening Bobby go take the kids to the mall to see Santa."

"I can make love to you as we put up lights and declare my passion I have for you."

"As enticing as it sounds not outside. Now go do something with the guys."

"Fine. Only because I love you." Bobby said kissing her and squeezing her butt

Ethel smiled she loved Bobby he was her soulmate she was happy he was around and would be for years to come.

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